30 Day Shred question

Emilydmo Posts: 101
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I've decided to give Jillians 30 day Shred a try and am in the process of downloading it from iTunes as we speak. Now I have a kinda silly question for you shredders as there aren't any instructions offered with the download (unless she gives an overview of the program in the first 'disc', but as it hasn't finished downloading and I'm impatient I don't know yet :)). Do you do level 1 for 10 days, rest then start level 2 for 10 days, rest and then do level 3? Or I guess if anyone can give me a quick overview of the program, that would be great! Thanks! :)


  • I just did Day 1 today, and at the beginning, she just said that you can move onto the next level when you feel ready. Personally, after the way I feel after just 20 minutes at level 1, I don't know if I'll be ready for level 2 any time this month! :)
    There is another thread where a group of us are starting it together, and most of us have said we won't be doing it every day, so I guess it's how often you do the workout and what you feel comfortable with. Good luck shredding! :)
  • im starting that today i have it on my on damand from our cable but im going to go buy her book tonight.people have told me it really works and they loss about 5lbs a aweek.someone said do level 1 the 1st day and leve 2 the second day and so one good luck
  • I've done the shred before and the levels didn't seem that different physically. I actually found some of the exercises in level 2 easier than 1. I would at least look at each one. Good luck.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm pretty sure the general rule of thumb is 10 days at level 1, 10 days at level 2 and 10 days at level 3 (hence 30 days). I have not been able to do it everyday, due to work, kids, life, etc. I generally do it every third day, or if I'm lucky, every other day. So I take a little longer to move up from one level to the next. I probably do it about 10 times at each level, just not consecutive days. I'm also increasing the size of my hand weights. I started level 1 with 2 lb. weights. After moving up to level 2 and doing it a couple of times, I found 2 lb. weights weren't doing anything for me. So I got 3 lb. weights. Last week, I moved up to level 3 because I was bored with level 2. My plan is to do level 3 with the 3 lb. weights for another 8 times. Then I will start back at level 1, but move up to the 5 lb. weights.

    You also have the option of doing the beginner or advanced moves at each level. With Jillian are two girls - Anita and Natalie. Anita does the moves at the beginner level, and Natalie does the moves at the advanced level. For me, I start each level doing Anita's moves and add in Natalie's moves as I progress. My ultimate goal is to do all three levels with Natalie using 5 lb weights. I guess I could even increase the weights too!

    It's an awesome workout! I hope you enjoy it!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Thanks, you guys are awesome! I finished my last day of boot camp yesterday, so I'm taking a much needed breather and starting tomorrow. I'm aiming to do each level for 10 days just to kind of set a goal for myself. I'm excited and a little nervous, haha, it sounds like quite the workout!!
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