Extra Calories and Alcohol?



  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    IMO alcohol cals is NEVER good cals..and by your profile your 19..is it legal for you to drink where your at? just sayin

    most 19 year old kids drink on a regular basis

    LOL, seriously. That's all. I'd even venture to say an astoundingly large percentage of 16 year olds drink alcohol on a regular basis.

    Here's some quick stats for the naive:

    Had a drink in the last 30 days
    8th-graders 15.9%
    10th-graders 33.4%
    12th-graders 44.4%

    And info. for the US-centric:
    Minimum purchase age (any alcoholic beverage or venue):
    France 16
    Ireland 18
    Italy 16
    Sweden 18
    United Kingdom 18
    United States 21


    Disclaimer: I just did a quick search so I didn't really check the validity of the stats or the rep of the organization publishing them. Their study references seemed legitimate but I wouldn't completely vouch for them without further investigation. Propaganda is rampant in the interwebs. :wink: If you're so inclined, you can do so yourself. http://www.camy.org/factsheets/index.php?FactsheetID=5

    That sounds about right! I live in the UK so it has been legal for me for over a year, nearly two now as I am 20 very soon.
    I think the statistics with regards to under-age drinking are probably accurate too sadly.
    I was never a big drinker and usually have a few on special occasions like Birthdays, Christmas etc, although I didn't even have any Christmas this year!

    Have a fantastic new year!! Good luck with the weight loss in future! Opal xx
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :devil: :devil: :devil: And now a word from the devil:devil: :devil: :devil:

    I wanted to lose an extra pound this week so I am cutting out alcohol from my diet.:tongue: But (as you might guess from my photo) wine is a very imortant part of my life. I was told for years that it's either wine or thin not both. That's partly why I was so overweight because I chose wine. Now I've realized it's not that way. I can eat very healthy lunches and breakfasts and have wine w/ dinner and I'm losing weight. I'm sure I'd lose much faster if I cut out the wine - but I'm still losing.

    I've cut back and I'll cut it out of my diet when it's needed, but a good glass or three of red wine will always be a part of my regular diet.:blushing:

    Be safe tonight!:drinker:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hun, it's New Year's Eve. I don't drink, but if I did, I'd be having a couple of drinks tonight. You earned some extra calories, use them how you'd like. One night will not ruin your efforts.

    Have fun. :)
  • miaangel345
    It is good you went to the gym today but if u only drank alcohol with diet coke it would have had 0 calories anyway. Only wine and beer have calories but hard liquor does not!

    Enjoy yourself tonight and don't worry about the calories, going over even 200 once a month won't make you gain any weight and you could always eat less calories the next day to make up for it!

    Happy New Years! :)
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    IMO alcohol cals is NEVER good cals..and by your profile your 19..is it legal for you to drink where your at? just sayin

    most 19 year old kids drink on a regular basis

    LOL, seriously. That's all. I'd even venture to say an astoundingly large percentage of 16 year olds drink alcohol on a regular basis.

    Here's some quick stats for the naive:

    Had a drink in the last 30 days
    8th-graders 15.9%
    10th-graders 33.4%
    12th-graders 44.4%

    And info. for the US-centric:
    Minimum purchase age (any alcoholic beverage or venue):
    France 16
    Ireland 18
    Italy 16
    Sweden 18
    United Kingdom 18
    United States 21


    Disclaimer: I just did a quick search so I didn't really check the validity of the stats or the rep of the organization publishing them. Their study references seemed legitimate but I wouldn't completely vouch for them without further investigation. Propaganda is rampant in the interwebs. :wink: If you're so inclined, you can do so yourself. http://www.camy.org/factsheets/index.php?FactsheetID=5

    Trust me....I teach high school and it is VEEEERRRRRY common to hear the kids talking about what they did the past weekend and what they drank. A lot of the parents buy the alcohol for their kids. Hell......when I was in high school it was ok to have a margarita if I was at home and wasn't going anywhere. Is it right? No. But to pretend like it doesn't happen is just foolish. Alcohol is the number 1 abused drug in teenagers, followed by prescription drugs and marijuana.

    IT'S NEW YEARS EVE! Celebrate the new you. Have a drink or two. BUT don't make it a habit. You went to the gym twice so I think you're going to be just fine.
  • niniz25
    I did read at some point that if you know you are going to be have cocktails that night, to watch you calories during the day. Mixed drinks, and beer are very high in calories so to use your "extra" calories on food, and then go out drinking is not a good idea either. That doesn't mean starve yourself first, just make smarter choices during the day before you go out.
  • ambervargo
    ambervargo Posts: 67 Member
    What hard liquor has 0 calories? I never knew that.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It is good you went to the gym today but if u only drank alcohol with diet coke it would have had 0 calories anyway. Only wine and beer have calories but hard liquor does not!

    Enjoy yourself tonight and don't worry about the calories, going over even 200 once a month won't make you gain any weight and you could always eat less calories the next day to make up for it!

    Happy New Years! :)

    this is patently false. Alcohol has calories, 7 calories per gram in fact, which is more than both carbs and protein. Beer and wine have other carbohydrates which increases the calories, but a straight shot of vodka still has about 60 to 70 calories (80 proof).
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Alcohol affects your judgement, so if you have an iron will, then enjoy.
    It's hard for someone your age to be out with a lot of people who are drinking and to abstain, so enjoy.
    You can ask the bartender to make it half an ounce of vodka per glass of diet coke....

    As for wine, I wonder if some of the alcohol evaporates if you are enjoying from someone's navel....
    That's a good way to limit alcohol consumption and possibly get exercise.....
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Good job SHEboss... took the words right outta my mouth! Vodka LOOKS like water...but that is the ONLY characteristic they share!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Good job SHEboss... took the words right outta my mouth! Vodka LOOKS like water...but that is the ONLY characteristic they share!

    SHEboss, huh. lol
  • miaangel345
    It is good you went to the gym today but if u only drank alcohol with diet coke it would have had 0 calories anyway. Only wine and beer have calories but hard liquor does not!

    Enjoy yourself tonight and don't worry about the calories, going over even 200 once a month won't make you gain any weight and you could always eat less calories the next day to make up for it!

    Happy New Years! :)

    ooh nevermind! I was mistaken lol.
    this is patently false. Alcohol has calories, 7 calories per gram in fact, which is more than both carbs and protein. Beer and wine have other carbohydrates which increases the calories, but a straight shot of vodka still has about 60 to 70 calories (80 proof).
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    It is good you went to the gym today but if u only drank alcohol with diet coke it would have had 0 calories anyway. Only wine and beer have calories but hard liquor does not!

    Enjoy yourself tonight and don't worry about the calories, going over even 200 once a month won't make you gain any weight and you could always eat less calories the next day to make up for it!

    Happy New Years! :)

    ooh nevermind! I was mistaken lol.
    this is patently false. Alcohol has calories, 7 calories per gram in fact, which is more than both carbs and protein. Beer and wine have other carbohydrates which increases the calories, but a straight shot of vodka still has about 60 to 70 calories (80 proof).

    My original reply kinda came out harsher than I meant it. Hopefully miaangel, you didn't take it the wrong way. It was meant to sound strong, but not condescending.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    don't have time to read this now so I am sending it to my topics