Ormond Beach, Florida

Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
I'm flying to Ormond Beach on Thursday. What's it like? What should the Mr. and I do while we're there? Thank you!


  • alovesopure
    Not much, honestly....

    The beach is great but that's about it... travel over to Daytona and you will be able to do things :-)
  • Angela_2_Oh
    Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
    That's fine...I don't mind traveling a bit. We're going for a wedding Sat. afteroon but are otherwise free!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Ormond has nice beaches! If the Mr. plays golf, Ormond and Daytona have nice courses. If he's into NASCAR, he can tour the Speedway (Daytona, but not too far from Ormond Beach ~ 15-20 minutes). If he's a Biker, he can see Main Street the center of Bike Week and Bike-toberfest. If he likes a quaint little beachside town with shops, little family-owned restaurants and fishing, he can try New Smyrna Beach (south about 30 minutes).
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    head south a bit and there is great snorkeling
  • Angela_2_Oh
    Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
    My husband loves to fish and golf, but won't be bringing his clubs. Thanks for the suggestions!