ELLIPTICAL USERS I have a question

I'm trying to gage how much of a wimp I am on the elliptical. I use it at the gym and normally I normally do the weight loss program that will alternate between resistance 4 and resistance 9 every 4 minutes. Recently I started using the variety program where it will alternate every 60 seconds anywhere between resistance 1 and resistance 16...anything between resistance 12-16 is KILLING ME!
I am pretty comfortable with resistance 8 and 9 still being able to move quickly with my feet in a rhythm but as soon as it hits resistance 12...I am struggling. I can still move but it is at a snail's pace.

How are you using the elliptical and how long have you been using it and for how long at a time? I go 30-35 minutes.


  • Shelley130
    I do level 5 ~ 45-60 min. I also do about 5-10 min going backward (uses stabilizer muscles that going forward does not use)
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Some people have trouble with the elliptical and prefer other machines. That's just the way their body is built. I can go almost an hour on that machine if I don't get bored.
  • Angel1029
    Hello!!!! The resistance is a pretty good workout itself and even if your going at a slow pace your still working. In time once you get used to it you'll pick up the pace. I've had my elliptical for about a year and a half I usually use mine for 30 min to an hour depending on if I've already worked out for the day. I usually go backwards for the last 5 min as well.
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    Ive been using this machine...its almost like mountain trecking. It is similar to the elliptical but I think it is more challenging. I can only do it for 25 minutes on level 1 before the veins start poping out of my forehead. The elliptical I can use for much longer but I always choose either the "cardio" mode or "fat burning" mode so the resistance never seems too bad.

    You should play with the settings on the machine. The longer you can stay on it, the longer your heart rate is going to stay up which in turn means you will be burning calories longer. Work smarter not harder...:wink:
  • cashmandue
    cashmandue Posts: 26 Member
    I use an elliptical that has an "Interval" option as well as an incline and resistance option. I start at Level 3 on the incline and Level 2 on the resistance to warm up. I then manually change the incline and resistance after about a 5 minute warm up and continue on a comfortable level for the next 25 minutes. If it is getting too hard (either resistance or incline), I can manually decrease either or both. I do a total of 40 minutes with a 5 minute cool down that gradually reduces the incline and resistance.

    I don't think you're being a wimp. I know that when I first started doing the elliptical it took a while to build up to a higher resistance and incline. If 12-16 is too much, see if there is a way to manually change it. Lower it for a couple of sessions, then increase it gradually every session and I bet you'll be able to handle the 12-16 in a short amount of time. If your pace (snails pace) is the concern and it's not that you're uncomfortable or straining too much, go with it as I also think you'll eventually pick up your pace as well! Like Angel said, you're still working it.

    In the end, do what's comfortable without hurting yourself and don't give up. :flowerforyou:
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    HAHA wow Id definately say your not a wuss..
    I use my ellip only on level 3 for about 15-30 minutes I think it only goes to 9
    But mine is smaller and I remember using the gym one (big and more smoothe) on level 5 probably for 45 minutes. I think I'd probably die at anything over 12!!
    Im sure if you slowly add a little more and more it'll get easier!!
    Good jobb!!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I do level 14 for anywhere from 30 - 65 minutes. I am working hard and sweating when I am on the elliptical
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    My elliptical is about 7 years old, but I do the 30% incline at anywhere from 5-8 resistance. I maybe could do 9 or 10 resistance if I was at the 10% incline, but haven't tried that in awhile! I usually just go at a steady incline/resistance for 30 - 90 minutes, depending on how long the show I'm watching on TV is.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    You can't make any sort of comparison without knowing exactly what brand and model of machine you are referring to. Unlike treadmills, there are no standards when it comes to ellipticals (cross trainers, what have you).

    With a treadmill it's pretty straightforward. Walking 3 mph on a level grade is walking 3 mph on a level grade. It doesn't make any difference what brand of treadmill you are on (in this case it doesn't matter if you are on a treadmill or outside).

    Ellipticals/cross trainers are completely different. Every manufacturer has their own movement design, their own method of resistance, their own "calibration", if you will. With all due respect, saying "I was on level 14 of the elliptical" means absolutely nothing--it provides no point of reference to compare your experience with anyone else, unless they would happen to use the same specific brand, model, and version that you are using. Even machines that are the same manufacturer and model can have significantly different versions. For example, a Life Fitness 95X cross trainer manufactured in 2004 has a different movement design and resistance curve than one made in 2006. And the one made in 2007 or so has a different software version that recalibrates the resistance curve and the caloric expenditure calculations compared to the other two.

    Some machines have a variable resistance curve. By that, I mean that the resistance increases in smaller increments, say between levels 1-12, then higher increments after that. It makes sense that you would want to have smaller increases for beginners and less fit individuals.

    Throw in machines with an adjustable incline and you complicate the discussion even more.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I never bump the resistance way high, I usually put the incline way up..... to work my butt :wink: I still break a nice sweat.