New to Couch to 5K

I always went for walks on the lakeshore and wondered when ill take it to the next step and start jogging instead of just walking . So i came back to MFP's exercise message board and found the perfect program on how to train for running. Cto 5K.

I just started using MFP again and since i always wanted to be a runner and like to workout outdoors , i am 100 percent sure that i want to start this program. ALL I NEED iS MOTIVATION.

So i started this thread for everyone out there who wants to start the program with me ! We can motivate each other .

Also for people that have already completed this program and moved on to 10K ,Half Martahon and so on , I NEED FEEDBACK.! :D

How many calories do u burn ?
Do u see and feel the weight loss ? if yes when ?
Does the rest of your body tone *kitten* well?

so many questions !! ahhhhhhhhhh!



  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I just started this program this week and did 3 days of week one. I love walking but hit a plateau. If i could jog instead of walk I can kick start my metabloism. I wish I had started this in the spring. December in New York City is pretty cold.
  • stbrad6896
    C25K is great if you want to strengthen your lungs and build up endurance. There's no way of telling how it will affect your weight but it def won't make you fatter! lol. If you want to start running I think c25k is a good plan to start
  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103

    I did couch to 5k last April/May and wholeheartedly loved it. I was essentially sedentary for the past 4-5 years. It was a great way to build up my cardio endurance and leg strength without getting myself injured or discouraged. Loads of people here have had success with the program.

    I did not lose one pound during C25K because I did not watch or really try to alter my eating. However, the shape and tone of my legs changed for the better. I especially noticed changes in my calves and inner thighs.

    In June, I tackled my diet and started train for a 10K (using a Beginners 10K plan I found online). Through religiously logging my food, hitting my calorie goals, and running, I lost 14lbs in 2 months, completed my 10K in 1:02, and dropped almost 4 minutes off my 5K time. I plan to do more 5Ks and 10Ks and work on improving times. Not sure if I am interested in doing a half, but ask me again when the weather gets nicer. :wink:

    I don't have an HRM, so can't tell you what cals I burned beyond what MFP predicts. I do think it is a bit of an overestimate for me, but I am not sure if that's true for everyone. Good luck!