Hello! Howdy! How are ya?

I just joined yesterday. I've tried lots of other ways to lose weight and I eat mostly healthy foods but it appears I need help figuring out that a serving of almonds DOES NOT equal how many I can stuff in my mouth at one time. I truly believe living a healthy lifestyle and eating good, fresh, nutritious whole food can taste great, I just need some help figuring out how much is appropriate. I also need that push to get out from behind the computer and move some days :)

I'll be 31 next month, coming up on 7 years clean from drugs and alcohol, quit smoking almost 5 years ago, (slightly) addicted to coffee, diagnosed with depression since my teens and recently (this summer) diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Nevertheless I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful children, and a blooming photography business. Life has been good to me :)

However, I've been battling health problems for as long as I can remember. Digestive system problems, fatigue, shortness of breath/palpitations, headaches, abdominal/lower back pain. I've had every test run and eliminated every food from my diet but everything seems "normal" - except that it isn't - which is how we got to anxiety. I have a pretty stressful life homeschooling an 11 yr. old and a 2 yr. old and running a full time business out of my home. My goal is to see if shedding my "marriage/baby" weight will reduce some stress and alleviate some of my symptoms.

Some of my interests outside of my family and business, when I have time, include gardening, crafting, cooking (really getting into Indian curries), being self reliant/sustainable/off-the-grid, unschooling, reading, couponing (although not as much now that I'm eating healthier; most coupons are for junk!), organizing/decluttering, volunteering, horseback riding (eventing!), and probably a bunch more I can't think of.

If anyone shares any of these interests or similar background or just wants to be friends, I'd really like some people to help hold me accountable. Hope you all have the best day today and enjoy what you eat!


  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I found your post inspiring, you sound like a woman who has come far and accomplished much! I think weight loss is just another hurdle you can get over with the same hard worked you used to get where you are today in life!
    I have read a lot of information and watched documentaries that teach us that what we put in our bodies can make a world of difference in terms of physical/mental health. So don't give up and keep trying to search the cause of your digestive issues. It seems as though you have not yet been properly diagnosed. Though I'm not an expert, I'd love to help keep you motivated to stay on the right track, so please do add me :)

    PS - I LOVE horses!! You're so lucky to be able to ride them :)
  • Tina180130
    Tina180130 Posts: 127 Member
    Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other :))
  • That's interesting that you say inspiring. If I were reading this story about someone else I suppose I might say the same thing, but since I know it's me it comes with all my baggage - insecurities, screw-ups, etc. Nice to see it from another perspective so thank you! I did add you :)
  • I can't even put into words what juicing has done for me. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Do yourself a favor and watch the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly dead". Not a very appealing name...but an absolute life-changing hour. It's streaming on Netflix if you have an account.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • I can't even put into words what juicing has done for me. I recommend it to anyone and everyone. Do yourself a favor and watch the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly dead". Not a very appealing name...but an absolute life-changing hour. It's streaming on Netflix if you have an account.

    Good luck in your journey.

    I went out and bought a juicer the day I watched that movie. It's now gathering dust in the garage. Although I was able to lose a lot of weight quickly, I just didn't find it sustainable enough long term. Glad it is working for you though!

    Good luck in yours as well!
  • Hi, so far I've lost 10 lbs since July. Really haven't been trying enough but a friend has recommended this so I'm going to give it another shot as well as trying to help motivate everyone else! :) I'm not going to start my diary until Monday as I have a weekend of partying planned, OOPS.

    I'm looking for some online friends who can help me get down to a healthy weight, without being judged!

    Add me :) healthkick_2012
    Thanks xxx