Losing Weight-but Gaining loose Skin. How to prevent?



  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    You're probably losing weight too fast. While I agree that it is a good problem to have (wink!), it is a problem nontheless. Slow it down and allow your skin to catch up. Strength training will help a lot.

    You guys are awesome! thanks!
    I actually only lost 6 pounds since joining MFP and one of those found its way back. grrrr.

    So--I actually have not had loose skin...yet. I'm hoping these responses will be more of a preventative---rather than damage control? I guess we shall see.

    The only loose skin is (was) on my upper arms and that's diminished thanks to daily elliptical workouts.
    So hoping that means something---but my skin on my tummy is worrying me.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member

    ok... I nearly died when you said 'prepare the skin'

    In all seriousness though... I agree with the other posts. This can be a big issue, but lotions due help and strength training is key. In some cases, especially where there's a lot of excess weight and has been for a long time, sometimes surgery is required to remove it. Everyone's different and it depends on a lot of factors, like skin elasticity, age, etc. Best of luck - a lot of us are in that same boat.

    Again, you go and say (and this time post the same picture) that I was going to say. So, umm, yeah...This ^^^^^
  • deborahposey
    i have lost 20+ lbs, but a lot of inches in my inner thighs and abdomen, when i started i combine cardio and strengthening into my work out, but i still have a lot of loose cellulite tissue hanging around in the inner thigh areas. the waist is not too bad, but with gravity at hand, it seem as though you gain a few pounds.