Getting VERY discouraged!! TURBO FIRE

I started my journey on Aug. 6th at 170 I'm not at 161. Within 3 weeks I lost 6 pounds & then I started TF & in 3 weeks Ive only lost no more then 2 pounds!!!! I know that it takes time to lose weight & diet is key. But although my diet hasn't been perfect, 5 -6 days out of the week Im pretty on point & under my calories. On top of that Ive been doing TurboFire going on my 4th week today & Ive only lost 2 pounds. What is that??? The program is too much of a pain not to be losing weight? I want to just throw in the towel!!!!! Anybody have any stories or experience with their weight loss with TF??? What kind of weight did you lose the 1st, 2nd month or overall after completing the program?? Love to hear your stories...THANKS!!


  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    well a pound of fat and a pounbd of muscle weigh the same...a pound. You are probably toning up.
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    I think you're putting on muscle and also shedding fat. Do your clothes fit better than 4 weeks ago? They should :D
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    well a pound of fat and a pounbd of muscle weigh the same...a pound. You are probably toning up.

    Not to burst your bubble but it takes longer than that to gain muscle and you need to be strength training.

    Every body is different. 2 pounds in 3 weeks is still good. How many calories are you eating?
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    I would also take measurements. I didn't lose anything for over 2 months as far as weight, but I lost 4". The scale is only piece of the puzzle. Keep at it and you will get the results you want.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    1) You are most likely retaining water due to the intense workouts because your muscles are healing. This can negate some of the fat loss you might otherwise see.

    2) Exercise is more about toning and being in shape. While it can help with fat and weight loss, diet is more of a key for those.

    3) Your diary is not open so it is impossible to comment on anything about your diet that may be of issue.

    4) Weight loss has to be looked over the long term. It is not linear. Some weeks you will lose nothing. It is the nature of the beast.

    5) Depending on how tall you are, you don't seem to have a ton to lose. As such, weight loss will naturally be slower.
  • Stick with it, although you may not see the pounds coming off, your body is becoming healthier, and its shape is changing. Muscles are becoming stronger. If you haven't done it already, tape yourself. Measure your waist, legs, bust and even your arms. You will see changes on these areas, and in the way your clothing fits. It may also take a different exercise, or a diet change to jumpstart your weight loss again. If you body gets used to one particular exercise, you may have to give it something else. You are doing great so far, don't give up! You didn't gain the weight overnight, and it will take much longer to lose it.
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    Are you measuring your inches? When I started doing Turbo Fire 2 years ago (i didnt follow the program exactly, but I did get workouts in most days when I could) I didnt lose any weight, but I dropped 2 dress sizes. Also are you sure you are eating enough? Wear a HRM (if you can) to see how many calories you are burning and adjust your eating that way. I ended up needing to eat more when I was doing TF regularly. If MFP set you at 1200 and you havent changed it yet, and you are eating under your calories you are almost certainly not eating enough for the program. There are so many different variables and you really just have to play with it.
  • Thanks for all your great advice everyone!! I eat between 1200-1600 calories a day. However, 80% is ok but its not all healthy food...I don't know if thats whats doing it?? My clothes do fit better then a month ago. So i guess that is a little bit of a change. I'll just stick to it. Its better then not doing nothing.....thanks