Advices needed, how do I move past this diet plateau??

Hi, this is the first time I post on this forum, so I'm not exactly sure if this is the correct place to post. If not, please let me know, Thanks.

I'm 23 yrs old and 5''3, originally weighted at 140 lbs. Prior to my diet, I generally don't exercise, and eat rather unhealthily.

After I decided to get on a diet, I read a few articles online and decided that I will follow a calorie-reduced diet, accompnany by some cardio exercise. Due to my current super busy schedule, i'm only able to do about 1.5 hrs of cardio every week. (treadmill, 5mph). My plan was after I finish with my super busy period, I will join a gym and get some professional advice starting in Nov.

As for my diet, I'm following a strictly 1200 cal/day diet. I measure everything from food to condiments I used in cooking, so I'm quite positive that they are accurate.

So I'm on my diet for threes already, results were pretty good for the first couple weeks, I lost nearly 10 lbs, and starting last week, the drop in weight gets slower but I thought it was totally normal. Until about three days ago, during my usual morning weighting, I realized that my weight stops dropping altogether. Now it's been on the exactly same number three days in a roll, that's why I felt like i've hit a plateau in my diet.

I read many articles online about dealing with plateau, and most of them suggest either reduce calorie intake, or increase exercise time. My problem right now is, i'm already at 1200 cal daily minimum, so I'm not sure if it's healthy to further reduce my food intake. I also dont have extra time to exercise in the next two months.

I also read the Curves book, and there was a suggestion to deal with plateau in there, called metabolic tune-up. the basic idea behind it is that, the reason you hit plateau is because ur body's metabolism is decreasing, so you need to increase it before you can further lose weight. and the plan goes as follows:

1. resume a 2500 cal, regular food intake, until you gain 3-5 lbs.
2. go back to an 1200 cal diet for 1-3 days and you should lose that 3-5 lbs fast, do not stay at the 1200 cal diet for longer than 3 days.
3. repeat step 1&2

The book explains that the time it takes to gain that extra 3 lbs on a 2500 plan will take longer and longer because ur body's metabolism is catching up, so eventually you will be eating at 2500cal for a month and not gaining any weight. At that point you can go back to your original diet (whatever it is), and your plateau will be gone.

The book made a pretty good argument, however I was a little hesitated because it felt a bit unhealthy to alternate food intake so rapidly within a short period of time? but I am no expert on this, so I really would like to get some opinion on this metabolic tune up plan.

Again I would really like to hear any advice on how to deal with my plateau situation. Thanks a lot.


  • memawmel55
    memawmel55 Posts: 2 Member
    I am no expert but I too am stuck after loosing 10 pounds. But, there is no way I will willingly gain weight after I worked so hard to lose it! Just give your body a little while to adjust. Maybe you are too busy and just need to rest. So much going on your body cant keep up with all the changes and busyness? Whenever possible, pick up a little more cardio or just a good brisk walk for 20 minutes. Change it up a little. Just hang in there!!!!
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    Advice from my dietitian: just stay with it. Plateaus can last up to three months, don't get impatient. If you are eating healthy you will lose, but not quickly. Quick weight loss is a bad idea as the pounds come back on and bring friends. After all, where are you going in such a hurry? Long lasting is better.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Hi my name is Becky. We are almost MFP twins.
    I am 36.
    5' 3"

    I have been stuck for over 2 years. I will lose 5 pounds then gain it back and so on. I have actually started gaining more the last few months. I diet and exercise regularly, so I dont know what I am doing wrong. I have had my thyroid tested and its normal. I am lost!!
    Are you going to try out what the book suggested? It makes since to me, I think I have screwed up my body with all the dieting and it is confused so it holds onto everything I eat??
    Good Luck!
  • Hi Becky,

    I think my concern regarding the book method is that, what if you cant quickly lose the 3-5 lbs after you put it back on.. (aka within the 3 days the book suggested) That would be a total bummer. I might try it if this situation persist a bit longer.

    Good luck to you!
    Hi my name is Becky. We are almost MFP twins.
    I am 36.
    5' 3"

    I have been stuck for over 2 years. I will lose 5 pounds then gain it back and so on. I have actually started gaining more the last few months. I diet and exercise regularly, so I dont know what I am doing wrong. I have had my thyroid tested and its normal. I am lost!!
    Are you going to try out what the book suggested? It makes since to me, I think I have screwed up my body with all the dieting and it is confused so it holds onto everything I eat??
    Good Luck!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Having the same number for three days isn't a plateau. :grumble: Try going a month without the scale moving, now THAT is a plateau. Give it a few days and you'll see it go down, just keep doing as you're doing.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    3 days is not a plateau. The first 10 lbs was likely water weight. Additionally how did you calculate your calorie goals? There is a ton of information posted in the newbie thread at the top in the stickies. Just plugging your numbers says your BMR is around 1400 that means 1200 is too low. Read the information at the top and go from there.
  • Thanks, I will definitely take a look at the newbie section. My calorie goal is calculated from the myfitnesspal app.
    3 days is not a plateau. The first 10 lbs was likely water weight. Additionally how did you calculate your calorie goals? There is a ton of information posted in the newbie thread at the top in the stickies. Just plugging your numbers says your BMR is around 1400 that means 1200 is too low. Read the information at the top and go from there.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Hi my name is Becky. We are almost MFP twins.
    I am 36.
    5' 3"

    I have been stuck for over 2 years. I will lose 5 pounds then gain it back and so on. I have actually started gaining more the last few months. I diet and exercise regularly, so I dont know what I am doing wrong. I have had my thyroid tested and its normal. I am lost!!
    Are you going to try out what the book suggested? It makes since to me, I think I have screwed up my body with all the dieting and it is confused so it holds onto everything I eat??
    Good Luck!

    I looked at your diary and you seem to eat a lot of processed food. There wasn't a lot of fresh fruit and veg. Processed foods have a ton of sodium which we all know holds water! You were also below 1200 cals for a few days, try eating more calories, but healthier versions. Good luck.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less Group on here. 1200 calories- your body is probably holding in any food you eat! The people that talked about 3 days not being a plateau - longer than 2 weeks is when you should maybe change things. I agree with raising your calories but not dropping them again so drastically again. If you do some reading, you should understand this- always eat above your Basal Metabolic Rate and below your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. is a good place to calculate this!
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I ran your numbers - you should be eating at least 1402 a day - 1638 is your TDEE or what it should take to maintain your weight. EM2WL calls eating at your TDEE a diet break- sounds similar to that Curves concept you talked about. EM2WL 's recommendation is to take a 1-2 week break ( eat at TDEE) every 4-12 weeks or when you hit a plateau.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks. I am trying to eat less processed food...the last week hasn't been so bad. I wasn't able to exercise much last week due to a knee injury, maybe that's why I gained???

    I am focusing on eating good carbs fruit and veggies.

    I think I focus too much on counting calories.

    Hi my name is Becky. We are almost MFP twins.
    I am 36.
    5' 3"

    I have been stuck for over 2 years. I will lose 5 pounds then gain it back and so on. I have actually started gaining more the last few months. I diet and exercise regularly, so I dont know what I am doing wrong. I have had my thyroid tested and its normal. I am lost!!
    Are you going to try out what the book suggested? It makes since to me, I think I have screwed up my body with all the dieting and it is confused so it holds onto everything I eat??
    Good Luck!

    I looked at your diary and you seem to eat a lot of processed food. There wasn't a lot of fresh fruit and veg. Processed foods have a ton of sodium which we all know holds water! You were also below 1200 cals for a few days, try eating more calories, but healthier versions. Good luck.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Ok... Did anyone actually read this post all the way through? This woman is worried because she hasn't lost any weight in THREE DAYS. Girl, I've gone three weeks before without losing weight and other people have gone three MONTHS before it starts to drop again. Just have some patience!