Tip: Throw out the office chair and get one of these!

I'm a computer person, which means I spend a LOT of time sitting in front of a desk. That also meant a whole lot of not-active moving around time. Thankfully someone gave me this great idea, which I thought i'd share.

One of the best things I did was throw out my office chair and get a yoga ball instead. Not only can I not sit on it for hours at a time like a chair, I'm constantly bouncing around and also needing to sit up straight, and balance myself on the thing. Great core work!

The first week was a bit tiresome (to that point, I sleep a LOT better now), but after that it's freaking great. If you're an office monkey like me, give it a try. You can get a $20 big red yoga ball at a place like Sports Authority. Start a trend in your office!


  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    I'm a computer person, which means I spend a LOT of time sitting in front of a desk. That also meant a whole lot of not-active moving around time. Thankfully someone gave me this great idea, which I thought i'd share.

    One of the best things I did was throw out my office chair and get a yoga ball instead. Not only can I not sit on it for hours at a time like a chair, I'm constantly bouncing around and also needing to sit up straight, and balance myself on the thing. Great core work!

    The first week was a bit tiresome (to that point, I sleep a LOT better now), but after that it's freaking great. If you're an office monkey like me, give it a try. You can get a $20 big red yoga ball at a place like Sports Authority. Start a trend in your office!

    lol... it sounds great, and I also spend a lot of time at my computer, but a big red ball would disappear in NO time in my office. Perhaps at home, I could use it... until my great dane attacks it.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    The only place I sit in front of a computer for hours is at work, I asked if I could bring in a ball and they said no, it was an insurance liability......:grumble: ...you know I might fall off it and sue them :explode:
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    I was told no too. In my office, they are considered unprofessional and no one is allowed to have them.
  • JessicaMurch5515
    JessicaMurch5515 Posts: 150 Member
    I was told no as well, and I was laughed at for asking.
  • LOL! That's terrible!

    Some people are also opting for a "standing desk", I know some offices will allow that. You can do anything from stacking up your monitor/keyboard setup to a standing position, to getting one of those adjustable desks (generally expensive, though).

    I get too distracted when I stand, I pace around and don't really get much done, though.
  • tad10301030
    tad10301030 Posts: 20 Member
    One of my co-workers uses a balance ball. We got to talking and were searching on the net for other chairs that do the same but not so obvious or a little more "professional" looking. If you Google "German balance stool" a pretty neat chair comes up. It looks like a stool, think coffee counter at a diner, but it pivots. They seem pricey but maybe if it wasn't so obviously a large rubber ball some offices may be more receptive.
  • I had a balance ball chair for awhile, the Gaiam one where the ball is in a chair with wheels. Takes up too much space though.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I can't sit all day due to degenerative osteoarthritis in my tail bone; broke it a few years back on some ice. So I set up a sit/stand station in my office. I use the tallest work stool I could find. Makes it easy to alternate between sitting and standing. About a 50/50 split during the day. Makes it harder for people to sneak up on me.
  • Risk manager said Hell no. I tried to sneak it into my office on the weekends when I needed to get caught up on paper. I had it deflated in my purse.. I tried to hide from my staff but once they saw I was in they came knocking on my door. Took up too much room for a small office and I got yelled at on Monday. They said even though I was working on my own time it was still an Insurance issue.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    some people use them where I work. My company is EXTREMELY risk adverse and conservative and I am really surprised that other companies are not allowing them. I think most people that have them here have a doctor's note with back problems or some other issue.

    Tell them that they can either risk a lawsuit from you falling 2' off a ball to the floor or accept a sure thing worker's comp case! They'll probably come around! (get a Dr's note first!)
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    some people use them where I work. My company is EXTREMELY risk adverse and conservative and I am really surprised that other companies are not allowing them. I think most people that have them here have a doctor's note with back problems or some other issue.

    Tell them that they can either risk a lawsuit from you falling 2' off a ball to the floor or accept a sure thing worker's comp case! They'll probably come around! (get a Dr's note first!)

    This is why "OSHA" approved ergonomic chairs are well over $500, more than the cost of my sit/stand setup.
    It is the lawyers and insurance companies that are ruining it.
    They did the same thing to martial arts schools. We were forced into using pads. But the result was actually more injuries because the students didn't focus on control anymore and the straps across the bottom of the foot were slick.
    With no pads the students learned control to avoid accidentally hurting themselves or another student.

    In the office, that means companies that sell furniture can charge a lot more. 5 to 10X as much as the same chair sold as a home office chair.
    I'm sure if a compliance officer ever came by my cubical my boss would get an earful. But the way I see it, I save the company a bunch of money.
  • My office said no as well. I wish I could have one. I hate sitting in front of a computer all day. :grumble:
  • THANK YOU for such a great idea! I sit at a desk 7 of the 8 hours I am at work and have back and tailbone issues that I battle because of it.....not to mention inactivity!
    Just went and talked to the office manager and not only was he for it, he wants to know how it works out for me and if it is a good thing he will toss it out as a suggestion to the rest of the staff!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I have a standing desk, so I stand at my computer. I just propped the monitor and keyboard high and have a standard cheap Steelcase desk.

    When I sit to write, I have a pilates ball.

    I got both to improve my circulation. I make my son sit on a Pilates ball when he plays video games so he at least strengthens his core muscles
  • These risk assessors and compliance officers sound like real party poopers. Is their whole job making sure the company doesn't get sued? :huh:

    I don't think it would occur to my bosses to worry about a lawsuit, but... what reason are you giving for asking for one? I don't think I'd feel comfortable saying "I need one of these to improve my abs"! :bigsmile:
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    Work mostly from home and am sitting on one right now. Mine is spiked, too - great for that cellulite!

    Also heard/read about walking desks - basically, treadmill/high table combo. Pricey, though.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    i have one that i hadnt been using, had meant to do it for a while, this thred has inspired/reminded me to roll it out of the corner and i am sitting on it now. :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    HR says NO WAY. They are banned. Every once in a while someone doesn't know the rules. No one says anything, but about a week later, they're in a chair.

    Corporations are fricking idiots. They truly are.
  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    I find it interesting that so many offices ban these. I used to work for a large natural foods market (in the corporate office). Probably 25% of the people had balls for chairs: they even had a pump that everyone could use. I never heard of an injury caused by the ball. Although one guy rolled onto something sharp (paper clip? push pin) and the ball deflated in an instant!
  • smcesko
    smcesko Posts: 126 Member
    I have one in my office. I haven't been using it lately but I just pulled it out of the corner. Our HR said she didn't see a problem with it and even said she may get one. She has problems sitting for long periods of time. My argument was the when I sit for a long time at my desk my restless legs kick in. With the ball I don't have that problem. Mine is big and blue! lol! It gets a lot of interesting looks but nothing negative! I would defiantly recommend it if you can swing it.