I gained 13 pounds over the past few weeks.

Weighed myself today...up 13 pounds in the past month or so. I'm at the same weight now that I was on October 1st. Nuthin' like wasting time. Yet again I've adjusted my pounds lost ticker, and I freakin' refuse to adjust it any lower. I need a good smack upside the head (but please don't, I have a headache).

Either I get back on track as of right now or I'm jumping out the window. I'm on the main floor...and it's a set of patio doors, but still. I'm accountable, I'm p'ed off at myself, and I'm going to drink some water.


  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Don't get down, I pretty much did the same thing. Got on the scale last Friday and gained about the same amount as you did. But I've been back on track since then, and I'm already down 3 lbs .....lots of water weight from all the salty stuff. Hang in there, the Holidays are almost over.....
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    We all bite it sometimes and I do not have to slap ya up cuz your doing a fine job of it yourself!! Now pick yourself back up, burn some calories by dustin yourself off, look in the mirror and say "" I am worth it and I'm going to go get it!"" and also join our Fab Four's group so we can help hold you up on those insane days! I know what days they are cuz I have the beast visit me too!! Hang in there beautiful you are on your way!!!!
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    have tomorrow be the new day, the back at it. its OK. if you get right back at it, you will be ok!
    Good luck!!!
  • mrsrobinson
    I am in the same boat. I gained. But we have to keep going. There will be a great scale epiphany for us soon! Like Verda, I am in the Fab Fours and their support lifted me from my despair and pushed me back on the horse. And it was really hard to do without a saddle, but I managed. Not sure how the horse felt, though.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I would have a couple of really good days, well, 3 probably before I weighed myself. That would probably be a more true reflection of any gain, minus water weight! I would wait on figuring out how much you've gained!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I would have a couple of really good days, well, 3 probably before I weighed myself. That would probably be a more true reflection of any gain, minus water weight! I would wait on figuring out how much you've gained!

    I'm keeping that in the back of my mind, trust me. :) I'll probably give it a week or so just for good measure.
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    Its a new year and a great time for a new start! Don't beat yourself up because that doesn't help. Right down a few things that are great about yourself and review them at the beginning of the day. It will help motivate you to take great care of yourself and do things that make your body healthy and happy because you deserve it!