Over Eater

I am a OVER EATER!! I eat food all the time and not healthy food. I know how to eat healthy I just don't because I have unstoppable cravings for junk. I get really overwhelmed about a healthy life styles because 1) I have so much to lose and 2) I feel like I am never organized enough to do so. Excuses I know. Oh and I am lazy. I need help......Any Tips?? :sad:


  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    For starters, eat standing up.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Didn't intend to be mean. It just limits how long you knosh.

    I'm not quite sure what being organized has to do with losing weight?

    Anyway, you can do this if you really want to--but it's true that it has to be FOR YOU. And, by the way, you are worth it!
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I unfortunately have the same issues:( I always feel like I could eat or that I want food and I CRAVE fast food like crazy! I just started tonight sitting down (since I had time) and planning for the next couple of days. It helps me when I do that. I am here for support if you need it!!!
  • For starters, eat standing up.

    You find as many arguments to sit down while eating.
  • i understand you! I love food! and i seem to always crave sweets! last year, my husband and I changed our life style and started eating healthy & exercising and lost almost 50 lbs. but holiday season came and we gained half back. we are starting again. we need to be active & healthy! start things one day at a time. slowly change your eating habits. Go for a walk every day & slowly jog in between to get a little calorie burn. you can do it:)
  • I know it's cliche but break take small steps. Lets say you want to lose 50 pounds. Don't think oh god i have to lose 50 pounds every day and beat yourself up. Set small goals. Say, on my birthday I want to have lost XX number of pounds or by Xmas I want to lose XX number of pounds. Then when you reach that goal set another and on and on. Small OBTAINABLE goals.

    As far as the eating, you I found I just had to be ready. I had to be ready to say I would rather live for X (in my case my family things) than to eat xyz. I tried and tried and tried to lose weight but until my mind was right I couldn't stick to it.

    MFP is a great tool and having friends on here to cheer you on and keep you accountable really helps too. Good luck to you and remember you are worth it. You deserve it. Now, go get it!
  • Sassafrass1981
    Sassafrass1981 Posts: 28 Member
    I love food.. maybe I should get hypnotized :)
  • PandaPants0612
    PandaPants0612 Posts: 37 Member
    Try upping your water intake- it will help keep you feeling full for longer.

    Make sure you are taking in plenty of protein and good fats because those take longer to digest and will make you feel more satisfied.

    Also, I was watching this segment of "Secret Eaters" on BBC America and they did a "study" in which people put oven mitts on their dominant hand and had to eat with their weaker hand, and they ended up eating less. So maybe when you are snacking, eat with your left hand if you are right handed, or vice versa, and it might help to slow you down so you will feel full before you eat too much.

    Good luck! I'm a binge eater who has just recently curbed my over eating so I sympathize. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like :)

    Edit: Hmmmm.... I seemed to have misread your OP, sorry. As for eating healthier, I certainly echo the sentiments of the previous posters. Also, start snacking on sweet healthy fruit and veggies that give you a large volume for a small amount of calories, such as blueberries, grapes, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes. Even if you dont exactly love the taste now, you will grow to love them and might reach for them in the future before junk.
  • mh569
    mh569 Posts: 41
    I completely understand that. It's so frustrating!
    It's super hard, but try to cut out the junk to once a week.
    What I like to do is prepare my meals for the week. For example:
    Breakfast: Toast with peanut butter, glass of milk and peach
    Lunch: Salad with walnuts, cherry tomatoes and turkey. Granola bar and fruit
    Dinner: Quinoa salad with black beans, cilantro and corn, add salsa.

    I make the dinner on Sunday night and eat it every night. I can e-mail you the recipe if you like! For the other meals, I just measure it out and make sure I have what I need on hand. If I need to pack my lunch, I make it and pack it the night before.

    Contrary to what someone on here said- organization plays a big factor for many people in their weight loss.
    Good luck, I hope that helped!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    For me, its to the point after almost 2 months of eating better that I don't crave anything anymore. I can walk past the donuts and cakes and ice cream and be fine. I do have trigger foods, but I just don't let myself eat them. Everything else, if I'm in the mood, and I have the cals or macros for it...then it's all fair game, but it's never a craving or a feeling of "I have to have...." So far it's working for me.

    I guess you just have to make it to a certain point and let your body make the changes. I know I'm willing to try different foods now that I would never have tried, and they're all healthy.
  • I am in the same boat. I recorded my food intake for the first time today and I was like " I must have doubled something up" ....I did not. ... not the best feeling in the world. Hey, you have to start somewhere and I would say this is a big step in the right direction!
  • Don't give up, take it one day at a time. Don't torture yourself for all of your past bad habits move forward with good ones! You can do this! Start working out and looking at everything that you eat and decide if its worth it. Think about what you want and how much you want it. Be driven towards your goal! Be empowered! Mind over matter. Remember sometimes we think we are hungry and our body really need's water. Drink water intead of soft drinks and juices you'd be suprised at how much that can help. We can also be emotional eaters so instead of food find another outlet. Above all of this info. love yourself, love yourself enough to make a change for a healthy life style. :0) You can do it! I'll keep you in my prayers.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Take it slow, dont try to cut out all the bad foods at once or you may find yourself binging, just switch them to healthier alternatives, if you like icecream, start buying the lower fat, lower sugar versions, choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate, baked whole grain crackers over potato chips. Get a scale and some measuring cups so you can start accurately consuming the right portions sizes. Aim to lose no more than 2lbs per week. I'm averaging about a pound per week now. Slow weight loss gives you more time to get accustomed to a permanent lifestyle change, so you will never have to "diet" again.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    For me, its to the point after almost 2 months of eating better that I don't crave anything anymore. I can walk past the donuts and cakes and ice cream and be fine.

    This too! I noticed once I started cutting back on the fatty sugary stuff the less I craved it. I still allow myself treats now and then, we are human after-all, but I dont abuse them.