How do I lose the fat without making my muscles any LARGER?

I've always been thick; thick thighs, strong calves and large biceps for a woman. I put on some weight after my kids were born so I'm up to 180 lbs. I still have these large muscles under the fat though. I want to lose the weight so I have been watching what and how much I eat and exercising. Lately I started the 30-day Shred and I can see my muscles getting larger. THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT!! I need to lose the extra pounds and fat around the muscles. I have no desire to make my muscles any larger than they already are. Any suggestions??? Any at all??


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit to drop fat. Spend as much time as possible in a motorized wheelchair so that your muscles atrophy.

    Honestly I would just keep doing what you're doing. You won't build any muscle using 30DS. Your muscles look slightly larger due to retaining more water and/or being inflamed and pumped up. Once you stop exercising for a few weeks they will go back to "normal".
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit.. you may notice the muscles cause you might be losing some of the fat around them but if your eating at a deficit they shouldn't be getting bigger.
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks but I don't plan to stop exercising. I was told to do more cardio than "working out" but I don't know if that will help really. It's not like I don't need toning up, that's for sure, but I don't want to do exercises that build strength right now. I don't want to look like a man with boobs, I just want to lose the excess fat and weight.
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    What does calorie deficit mean? Eat less than recommended calories? I always thought that was severely dangerous.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit to drop fat. Spend as much time as possible in a motorized wheelchair so that your muscles atrophy.

    Honestly I would just keep doing what you're doing. You won't build any muscle using 30DS. Your muscles look slightly larger due to retaining more water and/or being inflamed and pumped up. Once you stop exercising for a few weeks they will go back to "normal".

    This and also the size increase could partly be illusion due to fat loss.
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    I hope so. I definitely would like the definition around the muscles but seriously, if they get any larger, I will look so unproportioned!!!
  • stepgirl0705
    stepgirl0705 Posts: 20 Member
    I'll speak to you from a woman with larger muscles, you need to make sure they stay sculpted. I tease and say that I have boy legs, but I would rather have them look toned and muscular than just be big slabs of jiggly. Truth is your muscles aren't going to grow any bigger than your body is designed for. If you stop doing weight training, you will help your body to become nonefficient when you are doing cardio. Do weights, but do lighter weights and more reps. Strong is the new sexy, embrace your body type!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    What does calorie deficit mean? Eat less than recommended calories? I always thought that was severely dangerous.

    A) You'll never look like a man especially eating at a deficit which b) is eating less calories than you burn.
  • stepgirl0705
    stepgirl0705 Posts: 20 Member
    What does calorie deficit mean? Eat less than recommended calories? I always thought that was severely dangerous.

    A caloric deficit simply means if your body needs 2000 calories just to make it through a normal day, give it 1800. Your body needs a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound. If you cut 500 calories and burn 500 calories per day, you can healthfully lose 2 lbs per week.
    I lost 100 lbs over a 2 year period. That was over 10 years ago. Except for when I had my daughter, I haven't gained any of it back. Its not dangerous, but make sure you eat good foods in your calories. Foods with high fiber and vitamins help to satiate you as well.
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    You say you've always been "thick", however, thick does not mean muscular. What strength training have you done in the past and what exercises are you doing now that build your muscles?

    Eating at a calorie deficit just means you've got to stick to your daily calories if you are following MFP guidelines. If you've calculated your own macros and calorie deficit using the formulas that are out there, then make sure you stick to that to ensure that calories in are less than calories out. Honestly, even if you continue to strength train, but you are using more calories than you take in (calorie deficit) and you are watching your carbs/fats/proteins (macros) you will lose body fat and even a little muscle. Muscle is NOT easy to build! Especially if you are on a calorie deficit.

    Weigh and measure your food, stick to a strict calorie deficit and try to to exercise 3-4 times a week. You will see results.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit to drop fat. Spend as much time as possible in a motorized wheelchair so that your muscles atrophy.

    Honestly I would just keep doing what you're doing. You won't build any muscle using 30DS. Your muscles look slightly larger due to retaining more water and/or being inflamed and pumped up. Once you stop exercising for a few weeks they will go back to "normal".

    This and also the size increase could partly be illusion due to fat loss.


    It is very hard to actually gain muscle without eating in a calorie surplus way...furthermore it is EXTREMELY hard for women to gain a ton of muscle due to lack of testosterone. As you burn fat and break down and repair your muscles (which use a lot of water to repair - so don't freak out if you find weight loss going slow if you do a lot of strength training workouts your muscles will retain water to help aid in repair) through exercise they will become stronger and more visible.

    Some people have a larger muscle mass - pretty much nothing you can do about it, except maintain it. I have large calf muscles...I can't find a pair of boots to fit me...even if I lost 30 more lbs those muscles are here to stay...
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    What does calorie deficit mean? Eat less than recommended calories? I always thought that was severely dangerous.

    A caloric deficit simply means if your body needs 2000 calories just to make it through a normal day, give it 1800. Your body needs a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound. If you cut 500 calories and burn 500 calories per day, you can healthfully lose 2 lbs per week.
    I lost 100 lbs over a 2 year period. That was over 10 years ago. Except for when I had my daughter, I haven't gained any of it back. Its not dangerous, but make sure you eat good foods in your calories. Foods with high fiber and vitamins help to satiate you as well.

    Thanks, that makes sense! I've been eating right at 1200 per day so maybe it is working and I can't see it yet! I do want to start working different exercises to try to target the problem areas. For instance, doing scissor lifts (I think that's what they are called, on your side, lift one leg straight up) to cut out the flab there. I also do a variety of versions of chest raises to try to get the fat under and around my biceps. I try a lot of different ab exercises but I have a hard time with them because of the mommy pooch. It's like having a ball between you, I can't sit up without hitting the "ball".
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    You say you've always been "thick", however, thick does not mean muscular. What strength training have you done in the past and what exercises are you doing now that build your muscles?

    Eating at a calorie deficit just means you've got to stick to your daily calories if you are following MFP guidelines. If you've calculated your own macros and calorie deficit using the formulas that are out there, then make sure you stick to that to ensure that calories in are less than calories out. Honestly, even if you continue to strength train, but you are using more calories than you take in (calorie deficit) and you are watching your carbs/fats/proteins (macros) you will lose body fat and even a little muscle. Muscle is NOT easy to build! Especially if you are on a calorie deficit.

    Weigh and measure your food, stick to a strict calorie deficit and try to to exercise 3-4 times a week. You will see results.

    When I said thick, I mean muscular. I played soccer for years and was on colorguard in high school to give me the big bicepts (that's the people in the band who twirl the huge flags around). I have always had large muscles, the flab is the recent addition.
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit to drop fat. Spend as much time as possible in a motorized wheelchair so that your muscles atrophy.

    Honestly I would just keep doing what you're doing. You won't build any muscle using 30DS. Your muscles look slightly larger due to retaining more water and/or being inflamed and pumped up. Once you stop exercising for a few weeks they will go back to "normal".

    This and also the size increase could partly be illusion due to fat loss.


    It is very hard to actually gain muscle without eating in a calorie surplus way...furthermore it is EXTREMELY hard for women to gain a ton of muscle due to lack of testosterone. As you burn fat and break down and repair your muscles (which use a lot of water to repair - so don't freak out if you find weight loss going slow if you do a lot of strength training workouts your muscles will retain water to help aid in repair) through exercise they will become stronger and more visible.

    Some people have a larger muscle mass - pretty much nothing you can do about it, except maintain it. I have large calf muscles...I can't find a pair of boots to fit me...even if I lost 30 more lbs those muscles are here to stay...

    Too funny, I can't wear boots for the exact same reason!!! I've tried and tried but none will fit my calves!!:laugh:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    What does calorie deficit mean? Eat less than recommended calories? I always thought that was severely dangerous.

    A caloric deficit simply means if your body needs 2000 calories just to make it through a normal day, give it 1800. Your body needs a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound. If you cut 500 calories and burn 500 calories per day, you can healthfully lose 2 lbs per week.
    I lost 100 lbs over a 2 year period. That was over 10 years ago. Except for when I had my daughter, I haven't gained any of it back. Its not dangerous, but make sure you eat good foods in your calories. Foods with high fiber and vitamins help to satiate you as well.

    Thanks, that makes sense! I've been eating right at 1200 per day so maybe it is working and I can't see it yet! I do want to start working different exercises to try to target the problem areas. For instance, doing scissor lifts (I think that's what they are called, on your side, lift one leg straight up) to cut out the flab there. I also do a variety of versions of chest raises to try to get the fat under and around my biceps. I try a lot of different ab exercises but I have a hard time with them because of the mommy pooch. It's like having a ball between you, I can't sit up without hitting the "ball".

    Exercising various body parts does not have anything to do with fat loss in those areas. Fat comes off of your body all over, you have no control over it.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You say you've always been "thick", however, thick does not mean muscular. What strength training have you done in the past and what exercises are you doing now that build your muscles?

    Eating at a calorie deficit just means you've got to stick to your daily calories if you are following MFP guidelines. If you've calculated your own macros and calorie deficit using the formulas that are out there, then make sure you stick to that to ensure that calories in are less than calories out. Honestly, even if you continue to strength train, but you are using more calories than you take in (calorie deficit) and you are watching your carbs/fats/proteins (macros) you will lose body fat and even a little muscle. Muscle is NOT easy to build! Especially if you are on a calorie deficit.

    Weigh and measure your food, stick to a strict calorie deficit and try to to exercise 3-4 times a week. You will see results.

    When I said thick, I mean muscular. I played soccer for years and was on colorguard in high school to give me the big bicepts (that's the people in the band who twirl the huge flags around). I have always had large muscles, the flab is the recent addition.

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt... shed the flab, keep the muscle, then you can re-evaluate if you think you're too think/muscular.

    Maintain a healthy deficit, workout a couple of times a week to maintain some level of "in-shape-ness", be patient.
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    What does calorie deficit mean? Eat less than recommended calories? I always thought that was severely dangerous.

    A caloric deficit simply means if your body needs 2000 calories just to make it through a normal day, give it 1800. Your body needs a 3500 calorie deficit to lose one pound. If you cut 500 calories and burn 500 calories per day, you can healthfully lose 2 lbs per week.
    I lost 100 lbs over a 2 year period. That was over 10 years ago. Except for when I had my daughter, I haven't gained any of it back. Its not dangerous, but make sure you eat good foods in your calories. Foods with high fiber and vitamins help to satiate you as well.

    Thanks, that makes sense! I've been eating right at 1200 per day so maybe it is working and I can't see it yet! I do want to start working different exercises to try to target the problem areas. For instance, doing scissor lifts (I think that's what they are called, on your side, lift one leg straight up) to cut out the flab there. I also do a variety of versions of chest raises to try to get the fat under and around my biceps. I try a lot of different ab exercises but I have a hard time with them because of the mommy pooch. It's like having a ball between you, I can't sit up without hitting the "ball".

    Exercising various body parts does not have anything to do with fat loss in those areas. Fat comes off of your body all over, you have no control over it.

    That's what I've always heard but it can't hurt to try!
  • sstuts
    sstuts Posts: 16 Member
    You say you've always been "thick", however, thick does not mean muscular. What strength training have you done in the past and what exercises are you doing now that build your muscles?

    Eating at a calorie deficit just means you've got to stick to your daily calories if you are following MFP guidelines. If you've calculated your own macros and calorie deficit using the formulas that are out there, then make sure you stick to that to ensure that calories in are less than calories out. Honestly, even if you continue to strength train, but you are using more calories than you take in (calorie deficit) and you are watching your carbs/fats/proteins (macros) you will lose body fat and even a little muscle. Muscle is NOT easy to build! Especially if you are on a calorie deficit.

    Weigh and measure your food, stick to a strict calorie deficit and try to to exercise 3-4 times a week. You will see results.

    When I said thick, I mean muscular. I played soccer for years and was on colorguard in high school to give me the big bicepts (that's the people in the band who twirl the huge flags around). I have always had large muscles, the flab is the recent addition.

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt... shed the flab, keep the muscle, then you can re-evaluate if you think you're too think/muscular.

    Maintain a healthy deficit, workout a couple of times a week to maintain some level of "in-shape-ness", be patient.

    What doubt?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You say you've always been "thick", however, thick does not mean muscular. What strength training have you done in the past and what exercises are you doing now that build your muscles?

    Eating at a calorie deficit just means you've got to stick to your daily calories if you are following MFP guidelines. If you've calculated your own macros and calorie deficit using the formulas that are out there, then make sure you stick to that to ensure that calories in are less than calories out. Honestly, even if you continue to strength train, but you are using more calories than you take in (calorie deficit) and you are watching your carbs/fats/proteins (macros) you will lose body fat and even a little muscle. Muscle is NOT easy to build! Especially if you are on a calorie deficit.

    Weigh and measure your food, stick to a strict calorie deficit and try to to exercise 3-4 times a week. You will see results.

    When I said thick, I mean muscular. I played soccer for years and was on colorguard in high school to give me the big bicepts (that's the people in the band who twirl the huge flags around). I have always had large muscles, the flab is the recent addition.

    Giving you the benefit of the doubt... shed the flab, keep the muscle, then you can re-evaluate if you think you're too think/muscular.

    Maintain a healthy deficit, workout a couple of times a week to maintain some level of "in-shape-ness", be patient.

    What doubt?

    That you actually do carry/put on more muscle than the average person. So many people on these boards claim to, but so few of them actually do.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    I get the same way. I lift light-ish a couple days a week and do lots of running, so far my legs aren't bulking.