Weight loss and imbalanced androgen (but NO pcos)?

Hi there!

So I am wondering if anyone has seen their weight loss affect pcos symptoms they have. I have not officially been diagnosed with PCOS, but I exhibit a lot of the symptoms of possible imbalanced androgen levels.

Can these get better with weight loss? I am SO unhappy with bad skin, all over. My legs are atrocious (red spots/scars from constant acne) and I attribute it to being overweight... Anyone have any success? I've talked to a couple doctors, but they do not seem to be concerned about it, but it is mortifying... as well as a few other things that I would prefer not to talk about on open forum. You can message me if you want to ask/help. I'm 26 and want to be able to feel pretty in my skin! Why do I get spotty and other girls get to have beautiful clear skin :(

Before you mention soaps and stuff, I primarily use Aveeno products, and do not lotion my body because it always seems to make things worse.


  • Domi_BTGfit
    I am 29yo and I was on "the pill" from 14yo to 27yo, so I had no idea that I even had PCOS until I came off it. I had gained over 30kg in the previous 2 years and suddenly developed all of the symptoms - horrible! So, after speaking with my Dr (about fertility and general health) and he said that I needed to shed at least 30kg (66lbs) in order to see any change, if I was going to at all. I went straight back on the pill to clear up most of the physical symptoms and I began the weight loss. Now, it's almost 15 months later, I'm SO close to having lose the desired 30kg (still going to continue to lose after that until about 35kg) but I'm still too scared to come off the pill in case I get the acne and other symptoms back.

    I'd LOVE to hear from others who have had the courage and can give us both some positive motivation.

    Thanks for posting this feefie04!