Eating clean question...

I am trying to start eating clean--or at least "cleaner" ..but I really feel lost. What are your favorite go to meals/snacks? Today I've had oats/flaxseed/banana for breakfast, almonds for a snack, and an oatmeal peanut butter smoothie for lunch. I am going grocery shopping in a bit--so thought I'd see what some of you may have to suggest before I head out. Thanks in advance!!


  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    My trick is... I dont snack.

    Then I eat large filling normal manly size meals. When you're eating "clean" whole foods like chicken, veggies, etc.... you get to eat a lot. :)

    That said, when I really need a snack.. I just look for protein or no calories.. Think Jerky, pickled sausages, etc.. and Pickles...

    I try to avoid nuts as they're very calorie dense... but they are delish.

    I also avoid basic carbs like oats, granola, etc... because they're also calorie dense, and I will miss my protein/fat macros if I eat them and stay at/under my calorie goal...
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    My standard snacks:
    Hard boiled eggs
    Greek Yogurt
    Veggies with hummus
    Cottage Cheese
    Oatmeal with fruit

    I always have on hand,
    Fresh veggies,
    fresh fruit
    Brown rice
    cottage cheese
    greek yogurt

    For dinners I will make homemade stir fry, grilled veggies, whole grain salads, and take the left overs for lunch.
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks! I went grocery shopping today and feel better prepared! I really over did it calorie wise yesterday morning with the oatmeal/banana..and ended up hungry by the end of the day trying to stay under my limit. I did much better today and spacing it out...and I've been trying to find family friendly recipes too (since I have three kids to feed).

    Do you all bake your own bread?!
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
  • I recommend pretty much the opposite of what mrdude1 said. I eat oats and grains often, I pretty much have an oatmeal breakfast bake (found the recipe on Pinterest, makes breakfast for ab a week!) every day. Nuts may be calorie dense, but they are full of good fats, and can be very filling. Just make sure you measure out a serving of 1/4 cup or so, or eat only a handful. Nuts often help tide me over from meal to meal.

    Google "The Gracious Pantry". She has a lot of family sized recipes you can prepare, and teaches you how most recipe you already have can be made clean.

    I have a clean eating blog with a few recipes as well,

    Finally, has a lot of good clean recipes. Oh, and Pinterest too!

    Hope this helps you!
  • Oh, and for bread, we eat Ezekiel bread! You can also make your own bread- this is just easier for us and lasts longer!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    When you eat carbohydrates your blood sugar spikes causing your pancreas to release insulin in order to lower your blood sugar. When your blood sugar drops your body signals you to eat again.

    However, when you eat protein with the carbohydrates the insulin response is moderated by the protein. You end up feeling more satiated.

    Add a good quality protein source to your breakfast of oats and banana. It's okay to eat an egg, really. If you don't like eggs, then cook extra chicken breast for dinner and save the extra for eating in the morning with your oats and banana. It may seem weird, but nobody said that breakfast has to mean "breakfast food".