where to go from here....



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    You are a newbie... great! so now you know that you know nothing.

    Get the New Rules book, Or Starting Strength (Mark Rippetoe) and LEARN!

    Weight lifting, like traditional weight lifting, not your silly 8 pound pink/purple dumbbells is THE BEST way to look amazing. That tight, toned, athletic, fit look that turns heads is achieved through heavy tradition weight lifting.

    i have no access to a gym at all, and to purchase a crazy amount of heavy weights will be very costly... i also only have 30 min a might, so that is why i was looking at another program. one that i won't need to spend a crazy amount of money with.

    Excuses excuses http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/

    Or when you put the pounds back on in 6 months you can do the MFP thing all over again

    excuses excuses??? excuse me? i am not making any excuses... just b/c one doesn't have money to join a gym or buy equipment doesn't mean they don't want to try something different? right.... I will NEVER put the weight back on b/c i know what to do now. I will always eat healthier and be more cautious of what i am eating plus i will always do some sort of exercise. I may just not look as tight as i want but i will never gain the weight back on! This is a whole new learning curve for me and that is why i am posting asking for help on what to do and how to do it. I never had to lose wight in my life and i never had to worry about how i looked before or how i wanted to look as i always looked how i wanted. Now that i am back to it i want to look just as good not just b/c the scale says i'm the same weight but i want to look just as good or better then before.

    thanks for the link though, that is the reason why i posted on here was to get info like that to help me :)

    i find for me if i am on a program i have something to look forward too and a REASON to exercise with no excuses, if i'm on my own i make up a excuse not to do it... but if it's a 30 day program or something then i wan tto see what my result is in 30 days, etc that is why 30ds and rin30 have worked for me so far.....
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I am going to echo everyone who suggested lifting heavier weights. It has done wonders for me (even though lbs have been slow in coming off, you can see the difference in inches in my profile pic). To do so on the cheap, look into resistance bands, Goodwill or Salvation Army, yard sales or Craigslist. Just scouting on Craigslist in Boston, there are hundreds of ads, just from this morning, for used exercise equipment including benches, weights, plates, bars etc.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Oh, and that Nerdfitness bodyweight circuit someone posted is incredibly effective, takes about half an hour and you don't need any weights!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx, i reading that article right now.. if i need to invest in cheap bands for now to get started then i will :)
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    resistance bands are great
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    well checked out that Nerdfitness bodyweight circuit and the exercises are no different then what i do in 30ds and rin30....
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    so no go with PUMP or CLX? just get weights and do that at home daily? I think a program keeps me more focused and makes me complete it to my full potential then doing something on my own at home. Especially since i have never used weights on my own before, i woudl be stumped on exercises, reps, time lengths, etc. so much for a newbie to learn

    I liked CLX. I saw my muscles increase and my fat decrease while doing that program. Heavy weights and slow reps--it's an awesome way to workout. She mixes that with HIIT training.