finding a schedule...

Without giving you my life story, my husband and I are both trying to exercise more, eat right, etc. He has done very well the past year and placed 4th(I think) for his age group in his first ever 5k race just recently. I would very much like to do one with him next year, but he's my predicament....

We have a 4yr old who is at home all the time, 1 car that my husband uses for work, in an upstairs apartment, and naps are becoming extremely rare. Because of the one car choice I feel kinda "stuck" with at home workouts, but they need to be quiet due to neighbors below. I love kickboxing, but have to "modify" out any jumps. We have a gym at our complex, but we don't have any family or close friends who can come over and watch our son during a workout. I am trying to take advantage of the gym while my husband is off work, but his Navy "schedule" is any but predictable.

I know there has to be a way to get a good, high energy workout at home during the day without having my son run between my legs (literally, some days). Any suggestions?