want to be fit before 40 :)

tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
so I am 37 years old. I didn't start gaining weight until I broke my leg when I was 28. Then I had my second baby at 29. After that the weight just started creeping on. I have spent my thirties overweight, and depressed about it. I was starting to think that this was how the rest of my life would be. However, a little over a year ago, I decided that I AM going to be in shape by the time I reach 40. I have wasted my thirties being over weight, and I am done with that!!! I have been exercising on a regular basis now for a little over a year, and I have almost lost 40 pounds!!! I am very excited to see how much I weigh next year!! I am around 190 right now, so I hope to see a much smaller # on January 1st, 2011:wink:


  • I've had a similar idea about turning thirty. I've always had a weight problem and depression issues, and it seems like these past few years I think "Well, THIS year will be better," and then it's always somehow even worse than the year before it. So, my new goal is to make Thirty the most amazing year ever. This gives me almost four years to better my life in every way possible, and then I can be more excited about turning the big 3-0 than I ever was about turning 20.

    Good luck to you on your journey. You seem to be off to a great start already. If you give it your all this year, I'd be willing to bet you'll have met your goals by the end of the year, and then you can focus on maintaining and improving other areas of your life. By the time you turn forty, the trials of your thirties could seem to be from another lifetime all together!

    Keep up the great work :)
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    That is my goal also to look fabulous and be fit before 40.
  • vykkio
    vykkio Posts: 3 Member
    Congratulations on your 40 lb weight loss so far! That is quite an achievement! Stay with it girl! It will only get better! This website is a HUGE help! Five years ago I decided to lose 20 lbs and do an Ironman triathlon...in 6 months. I carefully logged all my calories ingested and burned in a notebook and worked off a "net calorie" basis much like this website. It was very time consuming, but it worked! I lost 22 lbs and completed the Iroman triathlon in 13 hours 41 minutes. Since then, I have let 5 lbs creep back on, so I am using this site to get it back off plus an additional 5 lbs. It is so much easier than the "notebook" method I used 5 years ago! Keep us posted on your progress!
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