want some friends on here!

Hi! I have been on here for awhile but I am really trying to get more serious with healthy eating and exercise. I would love to have some friends on here to help motivate me! So feel free to add me! I am 26 years old, trying to lose around 20 lbs. I am originally from Ohio. I did my first 5k a few weeks ago and I have 3 more coming up on the horizons. I am new to running but it's ok so far. I also enjoy dance and yoga. I am in law school so besides when I force myself to exercise I basically sit around ALL DAY. I am pretty lazy by nature but I really want to do better at this. So, if you think we might be friends feel free to add me! I am also a vegetarian so I'd be interested in meeting some fellow vegetarians or vegans on here. Have a nice day!!*


  • Fit2Skinnyme33
    Fit2Skinnyme33 Posts: 127 Member

    Thanks for the add! We have a lot in common! I have been wanting to do a 5k but just not the best at running especially at my weight. I get shin splints. I am currently a paralegal for an attorney, good luck with schooling! One attorney keeps telling me to go through the law clerk program and become an attorney here and says I would be able to do it easily. Still thinking about it! I love what I do but yes, I sit around at a computer all day. Its hard to be active at work. Although I am a carnivore : ), I would love tips of alternatives for my "proteins" of mainly chicken and recipes if you have some!
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    Hi! I am an attorney, and trying to lose 15ish pounds. I remember being a law student and spending most of my life sedentary, except when I was talking to and from the subway. Sadly, now as a practicing attorney, I still spend my life mostly sedentary! Except during office workout time - the BIG plus of being a military lawyer :)

    I will add you as a friend! Plus, I like running too :)
  • dikowick

    I am also looking for more support and inspiration on the boards and also have about 20 punds to shift. I am new to using this site, still struggling to quit the junk food. (being on annual leave for 2 weeks isnt helping! :p) I used to run but suffered shin splints, but kinda want to try again. I will add you as a friend if you dont mind! Strength in numbers. :)
  • Living4Liz2012
    I am here for you all:)

    Good luck with school.... I am a graduate with my B.S. in Criminal Justice, and getting ready for the police acdmeny in 9 months....So you know I am serious, and starting to get into running as well:)