Time to start on ME!

Must be a God thing... I was thinking about joining another weight loss program this morning (cuz it's New Year's Day, after all...), when I opened my e-mail, there was a message from myfitnesspal... (I opened an account in 2007, but I didn't really use it)... so, this MUST be the place I am supposed to be! I got "The Biggest Looser" Wii game for Christmas, and will set up a profile on Sunday (my birthday is tomorrow, and realistically I'll be eating my way through that day, as well). According to the info on my account, I've gained 6 pounds in the last year and a half, which is OPPOSITE of the way I was supposed to be going. So, Monday, it's ON!


  • PhatMom
    PhatMom Posts: 5 Member
    Happy Birthday Tanja. I'm just starting out again on mypal too. (Cute user name!)

    You're right...Monday it is ON!!!!
  • greeneyediva
    greeneyediva Posts: 3 Member
    Happy Birthday Tanja. I am also just getting back to using this sight. I already logged my breakfast and lunch and OH MY! I thought I was making healthy choices, but the numbers show not nearly as healthy as I thought! The calorie counter is an excellent tool to use everyday. I also put the MFP icon on my desktop to remind me to use these tools. Here's to much success in 2010!