BLACK TEAM-New Year and opening to new Members



  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Amanda, you can check out this site. Enter activity, like shoveling snow etc...hope it helps..

    Hey my friends, not so good today. Started off with a very healthy breakfast and the headed outside for what ended up being seven hours of hard physical labor. Wheelbarrows, pitchforks, shovels and moving heavy stuff. Great until went to my moms and ate 12 cookies. I am telling you because I am holding myself accountable, it is my fault, I was starving, should have ate healthy before I went there, but didn't. I also didn't drink enough water today. It is now 3:40 pm and I am going to figure out how to burn some serious calories before bed. Problem is I am exhausted, wiped out. I wish I knew how many calories I burnt outside today to see how much damage I have done. Want to smack my head on my desk. Also my dh who is not on this healthy living drinks beer, pop and eats crap and has lost 2.6 pounds. UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  • Doreenpao
    Doreenpao Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to join the team. I am a mother of two that is going to lose 45 pounds... I will weigh in in hopes that I am picked....
    have a great year. I will follow you.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Doreen-- that's all you need to do is express your desire and you're on the team.

    Weigh ins are Wednesday-- send a message to Batman aka Andrew aka spyguy, the dude who started this thread. He's leading the team-- totally cool guy. You'll love him-- and his beautiful wife Beth-- musicmom04 (or some number-- )

    All we ask is that you beat some butt if/when you see whining and excuse making, and expect it back. We're the "tough love" team here-- never rude, always loving, but very bottom line. If what you need to hear is snapoutofit.gif, expect to receive one from someone here. And we'll hope for the same.

    We've all had great success here on the team, and all contribute a lot of the success to the love and encouragement we receive from one another here-- so jump on in.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    I want you all to please feel welcome to jump in at any time to any of the personal comments/conversations that go on between us here. We've been around for awhile, so know each other's professions/life stories, et cetera. Please don't feel ever that you're not welcome in anything that's going on.

    Please jump in-- tell us about yourself-- joke around with us, poke fun, ask questions, share your ups, your downs-- that's how we all got so close.

    I know it can seem intimidating to be the newbie, but once again know that this group is truly a special bunch of folks--
  • healthworks
    Hey my friends, not so good today. Started off with a very healthy breakfast and the headed outside for what ended up being seven hours of hard physical labor. Wheelbarrows, pitchforks, shovels and moving heavy stuff. Great until went to my moms and ate 12 cookies. I am telling you because I am holding myself accountable, it is my fault, I was starving, should have ate healthy before I went there, but didn't. I also didn't drink enough water today. It is now 3:40 pm and I am going to figure out how to burn some serious calories before bed. Problem is I am exhausted, wiped out. I wish I knew how many calories I burnt outside today to see how much damage I have done. Want to smack my head on my desk. Also my dh who is not on this healthy living drinks beer, pop and eats crap and has lost 2.6 pounds. UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


    Boy I have been there and done that heavy physical labor for hours like you and we think w/o's are hard :tongue: Its easy to get ((famished)) FAST and grab anything thats handy!! Dont beat yourself up!! Its a hard lesson learned..... only mine was many lbs later!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I would not advise anybody to gourge on cookies and then go running, not pretty! 2.5 miles done and 309 calories burnt. Feeling better about today. Will have very light dinner and drink lots of water.

    Good evening everybody!!!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I would not advise anybody to gourge on cookies and then go running, not pretty! 2.5 miles done and 309 calories burnt. Feeling better about today. Will have very light dinner and drink lots of water.

    Good evening everybody!!!

    Oh girl...I can relate to that. Worst. Feeling. Ever, but at least you got it done.

    Way to go!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I would not advise anybody to gourge on cookies and then go running, not pretty! 2.5 miles done and 309 calories burnt. Feeling better about today. Will have very light dinner and drink lots of water.

    Good evening everybody!!!

    Stupid double post.

    Oh well, while I'm here. Today was so-so. I haven't logged my food (I know, I know) but I think I'm just under on cals. Didn't make the greatest choices, but did drink my water. Didn't work out -Sunday is a rest day for me- had some errands to run, bought some new work clothes (Yay!) and got some laundry done. Back to work after the nice holiday weekend, definitely bummed because our next holiday at work isn't until Memorial Day. Uck!
  • healthworks
    Doreen HI ... please join us other newbies, for the ride:smile:

    Marla :flowerforyou:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Last night of holiday entertaining tonight, Lord willing-- Sarah has her friend over, so we bring out the spread-- too many calories tonight. Still don't think I topped 1600-- but, didn't want to go that too high.

    Positive today is I'm almost through my quota of water-- first time in a long time for that. I'll be glad to get the kids back to school on Monday and get back to routine.

    Did okay logging-- not sure about opening the diary, because I personally don't see the need. No matter what y'all are eating, I probably can't afford it. And unless some of you want to go on the peanut butter and jelly diet, I don't see how mine shall help you. So, what's the point?

    Lot of pain today-- battling the grumps.

    Kids are planning on watching a movie, so hopefully I'll have a TV open to turbo. I'm not into battling the frigid temps to run tonight. I know I'll feel better after exercising, pain and grump wise.

    Later, my team--

    No sweat on the food diary my dear. Totally optional =)
  • healthworks
    I would not advise anybody to gourge on cookies and then go running, not pretty! 2.5 miles done and 309 calories burnt. Feeling better about today. Will have very light dinner and drink lots of water.

    Good evening everybody!!!

    ^-^ 2 thumbs up for you!! You turned it around :smile:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hi everyone, I would like to join your team this year. My journey so far as been great, and reading your post was very motivational.

    Weclome to the team Leslie! Way to go on the weight you've lost so far! Looking forward to having you around.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hello! I would love to be on your team. I have a hard time staying motivated for exercising or exercising at all! I blame it on being a mother of a 1 year old, but I saw that there is a mother of 9 who does this everyday! I now have no excuse and could use a few friends in the same boat. My goal is to run a half-marathon in March! Here's to a new year and a great life!

    Welcome to the team Tiffany! Your right, I can be hard to stay motivated sometimes, We have a way of making lots of excuses. This team is good for pointing those excuses out. lol You'll do great. Just stick with it.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I would love to join the team. I am a mother of two that is going to lose 45 pounds... I will weigh in in hopes that I am picked....
    have a great year. I will follow you.

    Welcome'll love it here!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I would love to join the team. I am a mother of two that is going to lose 45 pounds... I will weigh in in hopes that I am picked....
    have a great year. I will follow you.

    Welcome'll love it here!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Good morning Black team :smile:

    My name is Willow, I am married to my best friend (DH) 20+ years, we have two almost grown children.

    Its not about the weight lost... its about what positive choices you make everyday, working out, eating clean,drinking your water , getting the proper rest that give you the results you want and desire!! I want to get back to where my body was ALIVE and singing and I was living!!!.... It's past time!!

    Like Marla64 said "back to basics"

    Thank you for all the welcomes! :smile:

    your very welcome for the welcomes willow. Anyone who wants to change their lives has a home with us. We are all very different people with very different challenges but we also have ALOT in common. Lets do this. lol
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    good morning black team! welcome to all you new members! for those newbies out there, my name is beth, i'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys ages 6 and 3. my wonderful husband is spyguy7540, aka "batman" aka andrew aka the guy who started this thread lol. anyway, i've been eating pretty well lately, but kinda frustrated that childwatch at the Y was closed last week. we ended up getting quite a bit of snow last night, so i'm hoping i'll be able to get there on time for class tomorrow. it's usually tough to get there on time between getting aiden on the bus, then putting riley in childwatch, etc. we'll see how it goes i guess. i ended up doing tae bo yesterday (with some added jumping jacks, running up and down the stairs, push-ups...) just to get to 500 calories. man, it's tough to get a decent calorie burn nowadays. i guess that happens when you're in better shape. i have a feeling this is gonna be a looooong winter. i think i'm gonna have to check out netflix for some more workout videos cause although i love billy blanks, i don't know how many more times i can do the same video. anyway, have a great sunday, everyone!

    here's a pic of my snow covered table on the deck :


    Also in this picture- Proof that your lazy hubby didnt bring in the patio furniture again this year. lol

    I'll do it next year.....I swear.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey gang - remember me??:blushing: :blushing:

    I seriously fell off the radar for a while due to a truly horrible combination of family crises and job uncertainty that left me no time to work on me. As a consequence, my ticker has gone in the wrong direction, and I need you all so much more than ever. :cry:

    I'm hoping you will take me back, and I will try my best to at least say "hi" on a regular basis, even if I can't keep up with all the stories posted.

    Please, please take me back - I miss you guys... :brokenheart: :cry:


    ps, what's with all the snow and wind lately? :angry:

    With open arms Janie...With open arms.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Can I join you? I am UK based, and have missed the support given by a team. I am a Childminder, so my whole day revolves around children ( I also have 4 of my own).

    I have put on weight over the christmas period and am gutted that I couldn't look after myself!!

    Tanya (sorry need to look into how to do the tickers etc!!)

    Welcome Tanya!

    Glad to have you with us.
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Hi everyone!!! If the group is still open I'd love to be a part of it. I have been at mfp on and off for longer than I care to admit in relationship to my progress...but today is a new day! I am tired of the roller coaster and ready to make the lifestyle change for good!

    Please let me know what I need to do in order to get started with the group. I look forward to meeting all of you and I think there are a few familiar faces here too! :flowerforyou: