Looking for some friends!

Hi y'all, my name is Rachel. I live in South Carolina, and I'm just looking for some buddies here to support me or vice versa!
At my last doctors appt. I was weighed and am ten pounds over what I should even be, max. I'm also worried that because I've gained over 15 pounds in one year, and if I don't do something about it soon I could gain another 15 pounds. Obesity runs in my dad's side of the family, which is something to worry about! So, I'm trying to make some progress and get back to a 115-120 weight range like I should be in!!! (:

I'm looking for anybody of any age to be friends and get to know! I'm here to support. (:


  • Fit2Skinnyme33
    Fit2Skinnyme33 Posts: 127 Member

    Good for you for wanting to do something about it now before it does get to a point where it is A LOT more work to get it off (that's where I am now). I used to be a size 6/8 and now I am a size 16. I can't use having a baby (4 months ago) and excuse because I was back to my pre prego weight 2 weeks after she was born. I wish I started trying before it got out of control and this thing called metabolism didn't disappear LOL

    Add me if you would like! I just hired a personal trainer to help me and I am willing to share what I learn!
