Increased Hunger

Been working out more for the summer, 5-7 days a week over the past 2.5 months. Watching my calories and keeping within the 1500-2200 mark depending on workouts. My fitness level has really improved since the start of summer and I've lost 20 lbs.

Recently (within past week) I've started to get really hungry and can't quite figure out what I'm craving. I've been able to control things up until now by eating before I get hungry but for some reason its not working anymore. I seem to be constantly hungry.

Any ideas as to what I should eat to try and keep the wolves at bay other than 3000 calories?


  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    If you actually want help, you might try opening your diary. Are you taking a multivitamin? If not, maybe it's that you're missing some crucial vitamin or mineral. Up the fruits and veggies and make sure your protein levels are high enough. Low protein equals hunger.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    If you eat carbohydrates alone as a snack, then your body digests them very quickly and then you are hungry again soon after. However, if you pair protein with carbohydrates, then your body gets the quick blood sugar fix from the carbohydrates, but the protein takes longer to digest and leaves you feeling more satiated.

    I have made three dietary changes that have eliminated my hunger between meals:

    1) I try to eat something in the morning (including protein).
    2) Whenever I have a carbohydrate rich item I also eat a protein rich item.
    3) At lunch and dinner I use the plate method: 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch, 1/2 non-starchy vegetables.

    I am not a diabetic, but I recently visited with a dietician and put these practices into place after the visit. These are things that dieticians teach to diabetics to help them control their blood sugar and manage their weight.