Afraid I'll never feel attractive again :(

I am feeling really crappy, I had surgery Tuesday for cervical cancer treatment and I think it has my hormones way out of whack. I have been working really hard and am starting to see results but I am still so uncomfortable when I look in the mirror, I have a mommy pooch and stretch marks like crazy and I'm afraid Ill never be comfortable showing my stomach again and I see all these women who have had kids that look amazing and it makes me so mad! I've never posted a pick of my bare tummy on here goes nothin.



  • First of all I cant see the pic. Second how old are you? You look really young so i'm assuming your a fairly new mom which means you have all the time in the world to change your tummy. I'm 36, my daughter is 15. My stomach and abs are one of my favorite parts of my body (when I'm working the hell out of them). Stretch marks fade eventually, faster if using a good treatment, and excersice will shrink them to nothing. You have all the time in the world, get over your surgery and get to work and I promise you will be proud to bare that stomach.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    Don't sweat the small stuff. Embrace those stretch marks, you worked hard for them and be grateful you're alive to take care of your little one. Everything else isn't as important.

    Your results will come in time.
  • Now i see it. Thats nothing! You'll have that in check in 4 weeks. Jillians 30 day shred works the best for my abs. Put some vit e oil on those stretch marks after your work out and they'll be gone baby gone. Thats not bad at all though, their are moms on here I'm sure wish their post baby bellies looked like that.
  • Now i see it. Thats nothing! You'll have that in check in 4 weeks. Jillians 30 day shred works the best for my abs. Put some vit e oil on those stretch marks after your work out and they'll be gone baby gone. Thats not bad at all though, their are moms on here I'm sure wish their post baby bellies looked like that.

    Thank you, I am 23 and I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old, i really appriciate the feed back!!