the worst thing ever said.

i'm sorry but to completely understand the situation, you have to hear a story.
my boyfriend is great. he has been supportive of me trying to get into school, going for my BSN as a nurse, working nightshift as a nurse, etc. during my weight gain, i still felt loved by him even though i've never felt so horrible. he has helped me pay for my school loans when i had trouble. he's cried next to me, laughed at the best of times.
but he said something so hurtful today, that i'm completely blindsided.
i've gained 50 lbs since nursing school, all due to stress and lack of sleep and eating ice cream at 12am. along with the gain, i've tried just about every weight loss tool- medifast, weight watcher, zumba, workout dvds... the list goes on...
i was trying to fill out paperwork for the YMCA financial assistance program, i thought that because it had a lap pool, i could start up my love of swimming. since i had to change my status to pool nurse because of my full time status at school. i got frustrated looking for paperwork because he shredded all of our bills, so i had no evidence of need. he also wouldn't provide his tax return because "its a gym membership! why on earth do they need to know that??" being periody and PMS-y, i yelled and screamed at him in frustration and anger and he said:
what difference does it make? you would never go anyway! you'll just stay this way!

you'll just stay this way.

i cant even put to words how i feel right now.
i would love some comfort, but in a way, i think he is right. when will be my turning point?


  • allthismusic
    yikes. that was a little harsh.

    all i can say is PROVE HIM WRONG
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    all i can say is PROVE HIM WRONG

  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    Exactly. Make up your mind that today is your turning point. Then he looks like a jerk and you can secretly appreciate the fact that he gave you the push you needed. Even if it was really mean and hurtful.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    walk it off and watch calories u dont need a gym..then leave his butt
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    yep this!!!!!!!!! make him eat his words !!!!!!
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    OUCH! You will make the change when YOU'RE ready to do it for you and no one else. Until then, you will try but give up. You have to discover your WHY and then nothing else matters. I'd say prove him wrong. Nothing says I told you so like a sweet fitting pair of jeans!
  • jt221990
    jt221990 Posts: 27 Member
    i'm sorry but to completely understand the situation, you have to hear a story.
    my boyfriend is great. he has been supportive of me trying to get into school, going for my BSN as a nurse, working nightshift as a nurse, etc. during my weight gain, i still felt loved by him even though i've never felt so horrible. he has helped me pay for my school loans when i had trouble. he's cried next to me, laughed at the best of times.
    but he said something so hurtful today, that i'm completely blindsided.
    i've gained 50 lbs since nursing school, all due to stress and lack of sleep and eating ice cream at 12am. along with the gain, i've tried just about every weight loss tool- medifast, weight watcher, zumba, workout dvds... the list goes on...
    i was trying to fill out paperwork for the YMCA financial assistance program, i thought that because it had a lap pool, i could start up my love of swimming. since i had to change my status to pool nurse because of my full time status at school. i got frustrated looking for paperwork because he shredded all of our bills, so i had no evidence of need. he also wouldn't provide his tax return because "its a gym membership! why on earth do they need to know that??" being periody and PMS-y, i yelled and screamed at him in frustration and anger and he said:
    what difference does it make? you would never go anyway! you'll just stay this way!

    you'll just stay this way.

    i cant even put to words how i feel right now.
    i would love some comfort, but in a way, i think he is right. when will be my turning point?

    Are you sure you didn't say something nasty to spur him into that when you being "PMS-Y"? Not a nice comment, but him being frustrated and you attacking him doesn't give you free range to feel victimized and blameless.

    On the whole good feelings, nice vibes and the like...

    It takes two to argue

    "Nobody can make you feel like anything without you permission"- Eleanor Roosevelt

    And of course, you could always read the poem "Invictus"...."...I am the captain of my fate/I am the master of my soul"

    And yes of course, prove him wrong. But right now maybe just focus on making up? Use this as a way to start a conversation of him supporting you throughout your weight loss experience.
  • 2anagha
    2anagha Posts: 3 Member
    You should use this as your rock-bottom. It hurt that he said it, but for it to hurt so much that means that there was a part of you that thinks the same thing (you're stuck this way). If you thought it was just temporary and you'd be motivated to get yourself out of it, it would be easier to shrug it off. Gaining some weight during a stressful time is natural for some people (for some people, stress turns into losing too much weight. not a problem I'll ever have, but I know it exists for some). However, 50 pounds is really a lot. It sounds like you guys have a really good relationship, but if there are very drastic changes from one partner, it is somewhat unreasonable to expect the other partner to simply accept them wholeheartedly, look the other way, and not harbor any sort of worry/resentment/diminished attraction for it. The fact that he's such a support to you makes me think that he thinks that you're worth staying around for, but I suspect he might fear that he'll stick around and you will let this stuation turn permanent.

    Let this be your turning point. If you guys have so much going for yourselves in so many other realms, it is not worth letting this wilt due to your weight gain. It is also not realistic for somebody to be as attracted to another person who has drastically changed from the person that they initially found attractive. Over time, loss of attraction will lead to resentment and chip away at some of the good things you have in your relationship.

    Please take this as a wake-up call. Start small. Don't try to do EVERYTHING. Just do two things. Don't buy any ice cream and don't have any food after a certain cut-off time at night. Start with that, and then bit by bit add an extra five minutes or so to your physical activity. Even if you don't make huge drastic strides at once, giving yourself even a small calorie debt every day will help lessen the weight. The key is to commit yourself to doing something very small, BUT STAYING COMMITTED. We are all here to support you, so draw upon your MFP friends for continued encouragement!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Today can be your day =) this is for you.
  • Jde56
    Jde56 Posts: 9 Member
    Maybe he loves you just as you are and doesn't want you to lose weight!
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    I'm sure he didn't mean to sound like such an *kitten*. And it's not that bad. Sometimes people just say the wrong thing. Just prove him wrong ;)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Talk to him. You said that you have a great relationship and he's always been there for you. People say things they may not mean when frustrated/upset/angry. That sounds like this was the case.

    Also, like everyone else has said, prove him wrong. Take a negative and turn it into a positive by using it as motivation.
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    When you decided to do this for you, and no one else, you will do it. You don't need a gym, in my opinion. Just determination. Good luck to you.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Motivation to lose the weight! Then you can say repeat what u said a while back.
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with the other posters that this could be your "turning point." Time to prove him wrong and get back into that body you want.

    Regarding his hurtful comment, you said that you screamed and yelled in anger and frustration. Perhaps he was responding in the same way. I'm not saying it's right, but we all - at times - say things that we don't REALLY mean, because we ourselves are frustrated or hurt. Perhaps your boyfriend let slip such an awful comment because he'd had a rough day and you were yelling and you were both stressed. Maybe he's frustrated alongside of you, watching you WANT to change but not having the gumption to. It's stressful to watch someone you love struggle with something.

    I think he should have been more supportive and understanding, but if this is his first rotten comment during your whole journey, I would attribute it to the heat of the discussion and nothing more. Unless he keeps it up, I wouldn't dump his butt. However, I think that you should definitely talk to him and tell him how much that comment stung. Maybe he's silently regretting it. You could suggest that you work out together! Involve him in your weight loss; a workout buddy is fun and supportive!

  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    yikes. that was a little harsh.

    all i can say is PROVE HIM WRONG

  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    Maybe he doesnt understand how serious you are about losing weight...make your point by eating clean and coming up with a workout regimen you can enjoy and stick got this :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Nothing feels better than proving someone wrong...when you do it though, tell him you did!
  • chinakat72
    chinakat72 Posts: 21 Member
    My husband has been so supportive of me, while I've yo-yo'd up and down 60-100 lbs several times during our 15 years together. But no matter how supportive he is, I can tell that he just has no clue about my struggles. He has no problem with his weight, and no issues with food. He listens when I cry on his shoulder, and he pays for my gym memberships and in the past, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc. But he kind of has this blank look on his face that tells me that he just doesn't "get" it. Sounds like your guy might have a similar issue. He probably doesn't understand that this is so much more than just going to the gym or eating better food. I would cut him some slack if that's true, but don't ignore the comment. You'll resent him for this, even after you prove him wrong. I personally say, talk to him. Tell him you understand that in the past you haven't been successful in your weight loss, but that you learn something from every attempt and you need him to support your positive efforts to continue. His comment seems to have been said in the heat of the moment, in which you were both angry. Keep that in mind. How he responds to your conversation after you've both calmed down would give you a much more realistic view of how he really feels.

    That being said, go out there and prove him wrong! But don't do it for him, do it for you. Like other posters have said, make small changes. Do little things that are healthier and don't worry about changing your entire lifestyle overnight. It's easier to stick with in the long haul and you're less likely to give up. Good luck!