Confidence Problem...

My name is Justine. I'm 20 years old and weigh 150 pounds. One year ago I weighed 110 before I became depressed and my confidence that I was FULL OF.. disappeared.
I don't understand how it hit me so bad- my life wasn't depressing! It was just like POOF, life-change time!

I'm having trouble committing and getting the confidence to go out and run or go to the little gym I have in my apartments because I just don't like people looking at me. They're all mean and unfriendly. It makes me feel like quitting when I go somewhere and some beautiful girl in a bikini or shorts stares at me like I shouldn't even exist.
Very hard to even get out of bed before noon sometimes- even if I've slept for a good 8 hours.. let alone the thought of getting up and working out... or eating at all.

I want to get back into shape but it's hard to go outside and exercise when I know people are staring at me and when I know what weight I SHOULD be and thinking.. How did I let myself get here?

How do you do it? How do you go out and not care about what they think or ignore it? Advice, tips, tricks... motivation? Everything/anything is appreciated.


  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 274 Member
    I work out in the privacy of my own home. It's not that I'm self-conscious or anything, but I just prefer not to work out in front of others (or pay for a gym membership). Exercise DVDs are cheap if you can't afford equipment. I bought a recumbent exercise bike for about $130 new, and it was a great investment.

    Try not to think about what others are thinking about you. Focus on something else...something productive. If you're busy worrying about yourself and what you have to do, you'll barely notice or care about anybody else. :)
  • sarahbethfit233
    Honestly, it's always bad at first. No one looks great when they first start. And it sucks, but it's something you just have to accept that you're not trying to impress anyone. Do it for you and don't worry about everyone else. When you have a smoking hot body, no one will be able to say a thing. Good luck, and i hope everything works out! :)
  • SavingFaith65
    SavingFaith65 Posts: 72 Member
    I have the same issue. I was 115 4yrs ago, and now I'm close to 160, at 4'11 that's real unhealthy and unsightly. It all happened with my change in work and depression that seemed to get worse over the years. I moved back to FL last May and was hoping that that would help. I've just now decided to get serious about eating better and going to the gym. I felt the same way as far as people looking at me, but quite frankly I just don't care. I criticize myself enough to let anyone else do it. The only person you should be concerned about juding yourself IS yourself. Once you start working out whether it be a gym or at home (I prefer gym just because at home I can just stop and sit on the couch, I feel obligated when I walk in the doors) you'll start to feel better.

    I lack motivation most days but I keep pushing myself. You'll get through this!
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    just go to a gym (LA fitness, 24hour fitness, golds, etc).. everyone there has a level of insecurities about themselves which is why they are there.
  • book_mage
    book_mage Posts: 8 Member
    I know exactly how that feels. I walk with my eyes on the floor and my head down so people won't look at or talk to me. I see myself through their extremely harsh eyes, and I hate it.

    The only thing I can recommend is to just do it. Maybe you'll stop after half an hour or something, but once you know you can then you do. Easier said that done, yes. So here are tips!
    Wear comfortable clothing the first time so you won't be worried about people studying your body. Like workout pants and a t-shirt instead of tight tank top and shorts/leggings
    iPod is ESSENTIAL. You put it in before you walk in the door and do NOT stop listening until you walk out.
    Last, figure out exactly what you're going to do before you get there, so you're not worrying about what to do next.

    Me having social anxiety plus depression=understanding how hard all this going outside thing is. But I do say start off with fitness DVDs, like another person here said. Maybe it'll make you feel more confident that you can actually do some of the things "fit" people do.