Hi everyone!

My friend talked me into joining so we can check on each other, and help motivate one another every single day!

I've gone through the process of losing a large amount of weight before, but once I started taking birth control and dating my fiance, I gained it all (and more) back. Now I want to reach my previous weight in time for my wedding, which I know I can do! I have until April to lose 50 lbs, which is more than enough time. This time I'm determined to keep it off!

This seems like a great community with an outpouring of support from all it's members. I'm excited to see how far we can all go together! Thanks to everyone, your wonderful comments to each other are already spreading the good vibes and getting me pumped!


  • Antonia2501
    Antonia2501 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for joining babe I knew that you would love it! It's on like donkey kong now love!
  • myjourrneytoabs
    myjourrneytoabs Posts: 11 Member
    yes this is a great program to track your exercise and meals i know sometimes its really hard and you get cravings but with the more support and dedication to this program you will definitely lose those 50 lbs and even more. i have only lost 11 lbs since i told myself that i wanted to be in the best shape possible. my goal is to be at 130lbs lol all pure muscle maybe if possible i would like to get to 125 lbs anyways thats great that you want to get in shape for the happiest day of your life yet :D feel free to add me