Weight vs. Clothing Size



    LINIA Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ok see I am 240 and a loose size 18. I am agreeing with almost everyone above me. Let me tell you a story or two :)

    I work at a women's gym facility. I was telling people how I can almost fit into a 16 and one of my members spoke up and said "how much do you weigh again?" I said 243 (at the time) and she said she couldn't understand why she was 201 and was still wearing a 20-22. I explained to her that not only is she a lot shorter than I am (shes 5'1 and I am 5'6) but I strength train like a m-fer. So I know I have a more muscular core than she does.

    Second story; Just happened yesterday; I was announcing (ok bragging just a little bit) that I had lost 90 pounds. One of my members comes up to my desk and says "can I ask you how much you weigh again?" Me, not having a problem with my weight anymore proudly said 240. Her eyes went wide and she exlaimed THERES NO WAY! She is about 5'6 and a half and she holds her weight to where she wears a size 20 and shes only 220 pounds.

    Everyone holds their weight differently.

    Check out this website. After discovering it in another post I have a better realization of what women "my size" look like.


    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    Thanks for posting this FANTASTIC webpage: http://www.mybodygallery.com/index.html
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    It's composition!

    Some friends and I were chatting a while back and my one friend says, how can someone who weighs 190 pounds wear a size 12, I'm 163 and I can't even get my leg in a size 12. I said, I weigh 180 and these shorts are a size 12, to which another friend's jaw dropped and she exclaimed, they are even kind of big, and there is no way you weigh that much. All 3 of us are 5 foot 5 in. I have an athletic build and large bones, my friend doesn't.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Its also muscle mass as well, someone can weight just as much as you, and same height but could wear something smaller due to muscle mass. Just like a small person vs a muscular small person, smal person weight 130 in a size 6, muscular small person 130 size 2....

    This, I agree with this answer.