What keeps you from eating at night?

Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
So- I track my calories all day...even at work. I'm constantly logging every morsel...

But when I get home from work and make a nice well-balanced dinner...then have a glass or two of wine...then maybe a little desert....then snack a bit later while reading or watching tv...and realize the next day I never logged those calories and ate WAY over my limit.

Between the few glasses of wine and the evening snacking I know that is where I'm going over on my calories...

What keeps you guys from eating too much at night? I can't sleep if I have an empty stomach. But I know it isn't good to snack within an hour of going to sleep. Any tricks? Any advice?


  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I find that having a hobby that keeps my hands busy helps me the most. I do cross-stitch. But it could be cross word puzzles, knitting, putting a puzzle together, etc. I find when my hands have something to do I am not as apt to go reaching for food. This also worked for me when I was trying to quit smoking.

    In regards to the empty stomach try to find foods for supper with more protien and fiber to help you feel fuller longer.
  • missykaye1975
    I chew gum....it helps with my sweet tooth and keeps my mouth busy with something other than calories. I also go to bed early (9:00 p.m.) because I get up early (4:30 a.m.), so that helps too--can't eat when I'm asleep! :laugh:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I know I like a snack at night so I save calories for it. On the wine, I only allow myself one 5 oz glass, any more than that and I think it eliminates the health benefit I might be gaining by drinking it. And more than a glass for me causes extra snacking.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    definitly find a hobby that keeps your hands busy. i was playing fable 2 last night with my bf. and we had a cupcake each. and i tried to eat it...but it was so difficult i had to wait. i could've not eaten it...but it was new years eve so i indulged!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    I brush my teeth right after dinner and only allow myself water. I hate to have to brush them again right before bed so that keeps me from snacking.
    I've also resorted to the teeth whitening strips if I really really want something then I really dont' want to eat anything LOL
  • abbychick
    abbychick Posts: 118 Member
    This is something I constantly struggle with!! I've tried everything and I guess the solution for me would be to get in bed earlier. I agree with the statement that you can't eat if you're asleep. :happy:
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks ya'll...I like the teeth-whitening tip...that will kill two birds with one stone!

    The hobby is a good idea too...I used to play sports at night after work and that helped.
  • Nikki_Z
    Nikki_Z Posts: 28
    I drink green tea or chamomile. It makes me feel all warm and comfy and the chamomile helps to calm me before sleep. I actually drink a lot of green tea throughout the day - I get my water in and don't feel like snacking as much.
  • Slim34
    Slim34 Posts: 46
    I actually make my own strawberry yogurt and keep it in the freezer in small containers .. so whenever I get the munchies at nite I just thaw one of those bad boys out !! Surprising enough when I weigh myself in the morning the weight hasn't changed .. hehe
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    drinking tea - oolong or peppermint.
    eating a nutritionally dense meal (usually anything with lentils just fills me up)
    I make my own stove top popcorn and leave it on the stove, so anytime I want a snack, I grab a handful.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I try not to eat anything after 7:00. So as soon as I get home (5:00), I start to make dinner. We sit down and eat and then I don't have anything but hot tea before going to bed (9:00). I normally exercise abt an hour after dinner so that stops me from eating anything else.
  • buggaboo73
    I try to get cleaned up while I'm still full, then I sit down and work on my puzzle. I have a big puzzle going in the living room, it keeps my brain occupied.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    So- I track my calories all day...even at work. I'm constantly logging every morsel...

    But when I get home from work and make a nice well-balanced dinner...then have a glass or two of wine...then maybe a little desert....then snack a bit later while reading or watching tv...and realize the next day I never logged those calories and ate WAY over my limit.

    Between the few glasses of wine and the evening snacking I know that is where I'm going over on my calories...

    What keeps you guys from eating too much at night? I can't sleep if I have an empty stomach. But I know it isn't good to snack within an hour of going to sleep. Any tricks? Any advice?

    Just save yourself some cals over from meals during the day so you can have a snack at night before bed. Instead of having a few glasses of wine have 1. then the cals you saved from the other 2 glasses of wine can be put torwards a snack.

    And you said "I know it is not good to snack before bed" If you eat a healthy snack and keep within your daily calorie limits there is absolutely nothing wrong with a late night snack. I eat right before bed every night! If you don't eat a late night snack what happens?? you can't sleep and you may very well end up snacking anyways.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I actually make my own strawberry yogurt and keep it in the freezer in small containers .. so whenever I get the munchies at nite I just thaw one of those bad boys out !! Surprising enough when I weigh myself in the morning the weight hasn't changed .. hehe

    Could you share the recipe? That sounds like a great idea!
  • melissahager
    I've started reading more rather than flipping channels since it is hard to reach into a box of crackers while holding a book. I also wait and eat a later dinner (around 7) which helps me some as well. I've always heard not to eat that late, but it saves me from snacking all evening after dinner and I feel that I have to do what is best for myself to save me from over-eating.
  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    i leave 100-200 calories for a snack every night. If i go to bed hungry i have trouble sleeping and its worked for me to maintain the weight i lost for almost half a year! :) Its whatever works for you
  • kermiehiho
    kermiehiho Posts: 193 Member
    Cup of milk. Liquid fills me up; I'm guessing the protein keeps it that way too. Plus, it makes most people sleepy, so if you fall asleep, you can't be hungry, hehe. :laugh:
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Probably not what you want to hear, but for me it's habit. I started it when I was in college(or manybe even before) and it's just something that stuck. The good news could be that once you get into the habit it will be hard to eat later. There are times when we're having a game night with friends I don't even eat there - or I snack on the veggies.

    Another thing that I've heard of (and don't know if it's posted yet) is to turn off your kitchen light (some even resort to a closed sign) and just tell your self that the kitchen is closed. It'll reopen in the morning.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Around here what keeps me from snacking is a grouchy Lhasa Apso asleep in front of the refrigerator!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Since she has other sleeping places, I try to save a few calories for a snack on the days when I eat dinner a little earlier, but I work late 2 nights a week, so on those days, I don't get dinner until late and then snacking isn't necessary.
  • gottagetitoff
    I like dessert or a snack, too...so I log all my food and see how many calories I have left and then choose accordingly. And I count out the protion into a ziploc baggy rather than sitting down with the box/bag. That's ALWAYS bad!! As for wine, I LOVE wine!! But i find until I'm really making progress, like a month, it totally derails me. Good luck