Binge Eating

So I never Binge eat, but for the past 3 days (in my opinion) I think I've binged. I feel awful, and I feel like all my progress is lost. This sounds so dramatic, but It's just how I feel. I need help. I need someone to pick me back up, and simply tell me true facts. I need the truth to be told to me, whether it be YES you're going to get fat from 3 days of bad eating, or NO 3 days of bad eating aren't going to hurt you. I promised myself I wouldn't eat anything with sugar for the next month now, and I plan to stick to that. Someone please reassure me, or else I'm going to have a serious panic stress attack.


  • MsMandy23
    I think restricting yourself to no sugar is a bad idea. Usually people binge because they are emotional, or crave something they have been denying themself. If you deny yourself something you love, when you cave and eat it, you might go overboard and start a binge. Relax, forgive yourself, and allow yousrself sweets or whatever you love in moderation. goodluck xox
  • lydialen
    lydialen Posts: 9 Member
    I have actually been denying myself chocolate, and I LOVE chocolate. I think I love chocolate more than most people if that's possible. And because of trying to not eat chocolate, I kind of went crazy with it and just ate a ton. I'll try to do this in moderation so I don't end up doing what I did for the past 3 days. Thank you so much! I think you're completely right though, I need to remind myself about moderation so I don't go overboard.