
Does anyone know a good way to relieve stress.I am having relationship problems.I am trying my best to loose weight.It has come to my attention that cortisol is released during stressful times.This may be why I am struggling to loose.I am tense a lot of the day.How can I lower these levels while living in a difficult environment???:sad:


  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    Exercise - take a walk, run, find a punchbag and get boxing! Channel your negative energy into something more productive.
    Then take a long bath/ read a good book / listen to yourfavourite music. Do something that's going to help relax you!
  • techycammy
    techycammy Posts: 2 Member
    I find going for walks by yourself with music playing a good way of relaxing, de-stressing and getting fit! Get out and enjoy the fresh air and the scenery. If you can manage this at lunchtime at work I also find that this helps even if its just for 15-20 mins. Good luck to you.
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    Yoga and meditation are doing wonders :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Definitely some sort of yoga inspired class or video.
  • FormerMarine1
    FormerMarine1 Posts: 1,128 Member
    A hot bath with lavender aromatherapy oils, a dark room with a few lit candles & soft music, & a relaxing massage.
  • LupaNera
    For me are just long showers and gym workouts with my group. So I don't think at anything for a couple of hours.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    healthy diet (it doesn't have to be 100% perfect but more healthy food than not), regular exercise and time outdoors. For relaxation purposes I enjoy walking or cycling outside. Plenty of water and sleep, and everyone needs some downtime. Avoid alcohol and other drugs, also avoid caffeine if you can.
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    I suffer from stress and anxiety - some days I struggle to even go out its soo bad but I find that working out really does make a difference. Yesterday for example I was soo low and stressed so i went for a run on my treadmill until i wasn't - I love the feeling after
    I just run as though i was running away from everything and everyone and it not only releives stress but helps you get an awesome workout :)
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input:).I do work out everyday.I just wondered if there is something I can do quite quickly a few times a day. I get wound up a lot.Although I would luv to jump in the bath a few times a day I cant lol. I wil make a point of having a long soak at the end of the day!!.Maybe I will invest in a yoga dvd.