I'm stuck!!!!

Hi, Im Natalie and I've been using my fitness pal for a good 2 mths now and it's great, I dont cheat when it comes to entering food, good and bad i put it down and the weight has being coming down, BUT im now stuck, cant seem to shift any more no matter what i try. My calorie goal is 1200 a day, i exersise a good 3 times a week, going on power walks and classes, but its not making any difference and im now getting really frustrated, which for anyone can be the point when you say whats the point? Im not there quite yet but if things dont start moving again soon i can see it happening, that in itself scares me.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

Thanks in advance.:flowerforyou:


  • katiepalmer17
    Sounds just like me. I only joined this today because a friend recommended it, I enter my food/exercise for the last two days ( I had a really good day and a really really bad day) and its just depressing. Looks like I'll be going for a run tomorrow! But good luck and keep it up! From my (somewhat limited experience) practice makes perfect. I've been at the same weight for ages now even thought I've been trying my hardest with the food and exercise! Maybe increase your workouts to 4 times week and see if that makes a difference!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I got stuck for nearly two months while on 1200 cals. I exercised and ate well, I started to eat back half my exercise cals, not always every day but if I was hungry and that seemed to get things moving again.
    I think maybe you need to eat a little more! Maybe do some HIIT to see if that helps?
  • doodlebug400
    thank you both, im on my second day of increasing cals but the problem im having is im not hungry!!! and i dont wont to fall into the trap of eating the "wrong things" :smile:
  • nmterp
    Hi, I've been there. I got frustrated last time and gave up. I ended up gaining back pretty much all of what I lost. So I'm back at it again. So save yourself the trouble and learn from my blunder--don't give up. Good advice on the HIIT and eating back your exercise calories. If you're not hungry, maybe you could drink a protein shake after working out instead of eating the "wrong things"

    A couple of thoughts...

    1) Are you taking a multi-vitamin and drinking enough H2O?

    2) I'm not sure what your daily intake routine is, but I noticed that I lose more when I do the following:
    A) I do not eat carbs with dinner
    B) I try very hard not to eat after 8 pm.

    3) Do you monitor your heart rate while working out? I try to stay in my target heart rate zone for my age, weight, and height. That way I get the most bang for my buck.

    Best of luck!
  • GMH1057
    Are you eating enough times a day? I find it better to eat something small like some grapes for an afternoon snack and call it one of the 6 meals. You have to keep turning on your metabolism.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    If you're exercising 3 times a week, you likely need more than 1200. If you're too scared to up your base calories, try just eating a couple hundred more on workout days.
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    Dont worry. Its normal for weight loss to slow down and even stop after a while- but it is only temporary!! I hit a plateau and was on it for weeks and weeks!!!!! felt like giving up so many times but i stayed with it and the weight started moving again. Just change your exercise routines a bit. It might be all it takes to start things again. For me- believe it or not it was eating MORE that started my weight moving again

    Good luck
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    If you've lost 35lbs in two months, you are doing very well.

    If its been two months and you havent lost anything, then you can think about changing up your routines and eating more and/or eating your exercise calories back.

    It's quite possible that you are not intaking enough calories and your body is reacting to that.

    Give yourself some time to adjust to the increase calorie intake and don't freak out if the scale goes up a pound or two once you start. This will come right back off.

    Either way, don't give up. You've come this far, don't stop now. I used to do that. Stop when it got hard, I mean. I like that weekly validation of losses. When they stopped, so did I. And my weight went back up.

    But this time it has been different for me. I refused to give up and stop when it got hard. I stuck with it. And guess what?! When I got over that hump, I started losing again and have now gotten down to a weight Ive never seen on the scale.

    DONT GIVE UP!! You CAN do this!!
  • naschulze
    Sometimes when your stuck it helps to switch things up. If you're not lifting weights try doing some weights, if you currently walk try zumba or yoga. Also, not only how much you eat, but what you eat makes a difference. For instance there's a difference between the good fats found in nuts, avocados, and healthy oils, than there are in like a hamburger (and the healthy fats specifically target belly fat), even if they have the same amount of calories. We've all been there though, good luck, and don't give up!
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    I'm stuck too! I'm down to only wanting to drop the last 5 lbs, but they love me and don't want to go, haha! I do Bikram yoga 1xweek, elliptical 2x week, and then jog 1x week, weights 2x week. My daily calorie allowance is 1305, and I always eat what I burn, and I drink lots of water. I can't remember the last time the scale budged, and it is digital so it is EXACTLY the same every week, down to the 10th of a pound!

    I will try increasing the weights to 3x a week, and add more core stuff. Maybe I will also try to get a couple of avocados in during the week too.

  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I've slowed way down!! Stayed the same for 3 weeks. I was going crazy. I started taking GNC womens ultra mega active vitamin packets. They are for joint health and to help you burn fat/lose weight. The first week I lost 1.9 lbs. They give me energy too. I would suggest good multivitamins. I eat 1600 calories a day. I also do not cheat ever. I never go over in calories. I look at it like my checkbook, If I don't have it then I don't get it. Good luck!!
  • lpeacock56
    What is HIIT? I am new to this too and seem to be having trouble getting it off. I lost o.k. the first week=that usually happens for me and then after that it is hard to get anything to come off. I read a lot of the advice and am going to try some of the tips. Lots of great ideas... hope it helps you!! Never give up... it comes back and then some... stick to it... you can succeed.
  • cmpollard01
    I would suggest taking your measurements. I've been stuck between the same 3 lbs for about 3 weeks-but all of my measurements continue to decrease. The human body is facinating-and it likes to cause us GREAT amounts of frustration when it comes to our weight loss efforts. You might also want to introduce some weight training-toned muscles make for a better metabolism!

    I'm a little frustrated too-I dropped 45 pounds like it was nothing within about 3 1/2 months. Now that I only have 35 pounds to go, I want it gone just as quickly! But I have to keep reminding myself that the ultimate goal is health-the dropped pounds are just a side effect!
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    You need to slow down. 4 pounds a week is fast. Shoot for 2. I can't tell you specifically how many calories a day to eat, but I would suggest upping it a bit.

    You also need patience. you have only been doing this 2 months. We all plateau (besides the lucky few). I was stuck for an entire month. So, if you have only been doing this for 2 months, logic shows that you need patience.

    Patience Padawan Learner. Good things in time they come. 2 months gaining all the weight it did not take. Longer than 2 months to lose all the weight it will take.