How often do you weigh yourself?



  • adm603
    I weigh in everyday first thing in the morning, this helps me to know where I am at. I reminds me if I eat something bad that scale is not going to move or it is going to go up. When I stay on target the scale dips and gives me my motivation to keep going. If I have a bad weekend and have gone to a cookout I do wait till Wed. I know if I eat carbs the scale will go up by 2 lbs at least and that is discouraging to me.
  • MommaKit79
    I used to weigh every monday morning. But, since I started this new workout routine with a 4-week schedule, I weigh-in every 4 weeks. Sometimes i check during that time but I record that along with my measurements the first day of the 4-week cycle.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • xratedkisses
    Well my doctor's office i go to is awesome... i go to anytime i want to get weighed but i normally just go when i have a appt..just so i can have it on recorded... which is about twice a month.. i attented a weight-loss group they have kind of like a support group its real fun and only a group of like 6 of us i'm like the youngest there but they are real fun people... and they keep track of your weight- loss also which i thought was real cool and its nice to see the look on the doctors face because its almost like she didn't think i could do this .. she's also the one that told me about this site and how do this ...
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    Every morning unless I've more important things to do. Because I'm a stats geek and it helps me to see the water fluctuations etc. I did go a bit mental in the first few weeks doing this though and had to cover the screen (scales have a USB download thing), but by the time I realised I'd lost more inches than I had lbs I stopped fretting.

    It's good to have a daily record to look at month on month to see if your fluctuations amount to a trend. And I find that I usually weigh less on Tuesdays than other days, possibly for the fear of wrath from my PT...
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Every morning upon waking. The more data, the better: it's very instructive.
  • dc_smile2002
    dc_smile2002 Posts: 58 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but only record it once or twice a week. At this point in my weight loss i need to see my progress everyday.
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    Every Monday here as well (unless I worked Sunday night).

    Daily weighing is a good way to monitor fluid balance (1 litre of water = 1kg) which is why it is used for monitoring fluid status of renal and burns patients. Not so good for weight loss as it can swing quite rapidly from day to day according to hydration levels (and bowel content!).

    The insistence on daily weights is one of the things that put me off Wii Fit
  • ShoeGal78
    ShoeGal78 Posts: 35 Member
    Every morning. I tend to pretty much eat what I like at the weekend (within reason) so I feel like it keeps me on track during the week. I'm mostly maintaining my weight at the moment so not really trying to track a loss.
  • alphal0b0
    alphal0b0 Posts: 125 Member
    Every morning and night here as well. I also log it down in a book along with my BF% (Scale has this info as well).
    You really do get to know you're body and can almost predict what your weight is going to read based on what you ate the day before.... So... my fluctuations become very predictable based on how I eat.

    It helps me be concious of my eating habits and definitely keeps me motivated to eat clean. .... most of the time ;)
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    every morning before i shower!
  • Kallie3000
    Kallie3000 Posts: 33 Member
    Every day or every other day. If I only weigh myself once a week I find that I can get really discouraged, even though it could just be a day where I had more water weight or something. My weight can fluctuate a lot if I have too much salt. I am trying to get to know my body better, and weighing every day makes me see fluctuations as more realistic. If I go up, I try harder. If I go down, then I'm proud of myself and get a boost.

    If I wasn't weighing myself every day I think I'd try for, like, once a month. Weekly isn't long enough to see a big change, so I think I'd get down about it.
  • norge1980
    Every Morning................keeps me motivated.... and I work harder each time a see a rise in weight..........