Anyone losing inches but not weight?



  • ceajules
    That would be me and I love the way I look :) so I am sticking to what i am doing :)
  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    Same here, I've only lost 6 pounds since June, but have lost quite a few inches! That keeps me going! And I'm not starving myself, just learning to eat more protein and portion control.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Yup! I started my fitness journey almost 2 yrs ago & it took 5 months before the scale moved (I finally dropped 25 lbs), but I started dropping inches right away (ended up losing total of 5 inches). I fell off the wagon over Christmas & gained back 15 lbs & 3 inches so I'm back at it again. Been here several weeks now and only lost 3 lbs, but the inches are again falling off. I figure if I can fit in the clothes that I want to wear & I look and feel good, then my mission is accomplished! Regardless what the scale says!
  • Emaginesc
    Emaginesc Posts: 49 Member
    I found this thread on a search and wanted to bring it back to life. I am struggling with this. I am seeing the inches fall, which is exactly what I want. The scale, up, down, repeat. I know it will. I also hope soon it balances. I go back to the Dr in March and last time I was told I needed to aim for a 140 for my weight. I am barely losing weight and working my butt off. It shows everywhere except the scale. I know I will never reach 140 by March nor do I think the Dr thinks I will. I have a good 35 or so pounds to go.

    How does it all play in when in the medical field it is XYZ but I also feel what I am doing is good so far and happy. I admit I hate the scale, but can notice a change which keeps me motivated now that I have created a good healthy habit for me.
  • Elaine839
    Elaine839 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have been on Fitness pal about 2 week’s great app by the way, but I have been on weightwatchers for almost 2 months. In June I had a biometric screening and 2 doctor’s appointments. All 3 said my weight was the same so I went with that I knew I need to lose weight bad so I started WW right after those appointments. My five day exercise process consists of walking on all 3 of my breaks at work and I bought a used exercise bike, ever since then I can see the changes in my body and how I feel. This is the 1st time I have actually stuck with it this long, I needed to see what the result would be if I stayed with it. So far since June I have lost 21 pounds and feel much better. I still have a long ways to go but that is a start. All this being said don't get discourage about that confused scale instead try on a pair jeans you couldn't fit before or buy a pair that are to small and let that be your goal to get into them. We have to remember we did not put this weight on overnight and it will not come off over night. Stay positive, stay focused and don't weigh yourself every day.
