NSV - Topless Sex :D

I had to write about this a friend and I were talking and I told him since having my daughter and gaining weight I never take my top off during sex. He asked me why? He said your boyfriend see's the rest of you what makes the difference about your belly. I told him a lot does I don't like my belly do I really want my boyfriend looking down during intimate moments seeing my excessively huge love handles and gut bouncing around no! I did tell my friend though now that I lost 35lbs it has built up my confidence no Im not skinny by no means I'm still very much so overweight but I thought I had to confidence to go ahead and have topless sex. Its been months since my boyfriend and I had any fun in between the sheets because I've been so absorbed in my self mission to lose weight and he doesn't have the greatest hours when it comes to working. Last night we had a couples night and I don't know if it was the new found confidence or the rum punch I was drinking but I had topless sex for the first time in over 3 years I took my shirt and bra off Im pretty proud of my self their were moments where I thought is he looking at my stomach but than their were moments like HEY IM ENJOYING THIS YA BUDDY! It was a nice change I felt so much closer to my boyfriend with the direct skin to skin contact and not having him sticking a hand up under my shirt and bra to find my lovely lady lumps :D It was an all around good experience he even went for 2nd dibs in the middle of the night I felt like I had some of the best sex ever in my life last night all because I took my top off. I pry was a little self absorbed this morning when I decided to walk the house naked and stand in the bathroom and look at my self in the mirror and tell my self I'm liking this body it may not be the greatest body it could be but it is so much better than what it was. I look forward to this encounter giving me crazy motivation in the gym now and I also look forward to many nights of topless sex.
