emotional eating



  • Also an amotional eater!! I wish I had the answers to how to get to a manageable point again in my life.
    Howver I do not have the answers, I do know for myself I try not to beat myself up for what I had did the day b4 or the hour b4.
    Bc when I get on the emotional eating rollar coaster I am usually on there for a while. Its a bad ride!!
    Key for me being dont stay there , When I get knocked down I need to get back up and remember this is why there is a new day :-)
    I can do better today I say to myself :-) Blessings!!! Glad your here and I am new too.

    Today we do not have to eat over emotions. :-)
  • dsmpunk
    dsmpunk Posts: 262 Member
    I eat when Im bored. Its terrible!

    MFP really helps keep me in check. Is that cold piece of pizza in the fridge really worth the 400 calories? Am I really hungry in the first place? Nah, I can wait for my quinoa and chicken at 7:00 =)
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    I was an emotional eater, and worse a binge eater. I had/have cravings that I couldn't control. I've lost 60+ plus lbs 3 different times, on a yo-yo over the past decade.

    This time I"m loggin all my food on MFP. I used to do this with a journal/paper, calculator, but was very inconsistent. I think it really helps, to log the good and bad. You can't really lie to yourself, so you can really keep yourself accountable. You feel an accomplishment when you've hit your goal for the day, and feel that little sting when you have to write down that binge. It helps keep me on track.

    I've also found that by following [as close as I can] a lifestyle I've found from a Dr. Fuhrman is helping me quash those addictive cravings I was getting from cokes, processed foods, pastas, sweets, etc. His book is "Eat to Live". I really think it refocuses us on what we were designed to eat, instead of all the man made processed and synthetic foods we've been conditioned to eat.

    I'm only a couple weeks in to it, and along with exercise am down 13lbs. I don't get the crazy sugar cravings I used to, either. It's not about rescricting calories, just about learing what real healthy eating means.
  • kellyjw84
    kellyjw84 Posts: 24 Member
    I too am an emotional and bored eater... Depression is probably my biggest challenge when it comes to diet and exercise. I would love to have some supportive friends on MFP if anyone feels like adding me.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    i am a "bored" eater. I don't eat when I feel angry or happy or sad, i eat when i'm bored. I figured out that if i have a busy day i will be able to control my appetite, but if i am at home all day studying or just being lazy i will eat junk. :(

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (good post)

    I've found that in order not to eat I need to keep busy somehow. Either going for a walk, playing with our dogs, cleaning, etc really helps. You can also take up a consuming hobby with goals in mind to focus on. Like knitting a christmas sweater for your daughter? Or a quilt for someone?
  • Hi,
    It so helpful for me to have a weight loss buddy and be committed to a weekly weigh in. I always need to be accountable to someone it seems. I tend to eat more out of boredom so for me to keep busy is the key. And my motto...remember that nothing tastes as good as feeling thin feels! Keep going!!!!
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    I am a closet binger. I wait for the kids to go to school and wait for hubby and kids to go to sleep. I never counted my calories on a big binge. I was upset a few days ago when I ended up about 400 calories more than I wanted but I was able to stop. I worry about putting on a few pounds over the next 3 weeks my Mom is coming in for a visit for three weeks and we do like to go out for lunch together. I don't have a great cell phone just a prepay. So I will have to be careful and eat more vegetables and fruit. Her favorite is Chinese which is my favorite too. So I will eat in moderation but it will be so hard. I already know to pass on the rice but it will be hard to pass on the Egg Rolls and Crab Wonton. Have a good day. Of course add me as a friend. I am 53 female 5foot 7 160 pounds. Two years ago I stopped smoking and decided to take 2 years off to be home with the kids.

    I'm in the same boat. I was a Chinese buffet binger deluxe. If you must go "chinese", ask around if there is a good Mongolian BBQ you can go to. I'm lucky to have one nearby. They have both a soup and grill bar, where you choose your ingredients. I can get a GIGANTIC plate of vegetables, all ones I love anyway, stir fryed without oil, with a little bit of chicken or maybe beef. The way my local shop makes it, it is like Mana from Heaven. I get Brocolli, carrots, sprouts, onions, pineapple, peppers, bamboo, bok choy, etc, etc. The soup side is just about as good, but have to watch the Sodium in the Broth. I am so grateful to have them around, for when I want an asian fix without all the noodles, rice, MSG, fried foods, etc.
  • jjlazar
    jjlazar Posts: 4 Member
    You can journal your entries here, exercise, put up notes to remind you on the fridge and you might get somewhere for a long time even, BUT it will all be uneventful in the long run if you just don't make the decision to NOT eat that way because at some point you will be dealing with the same problem because it hasn't been dealt with to begin with. I do understand, I think all of us are emotional eaters to some degree. But for myself I choose to listen to what the Lord says about these things. Everything is fleeting and temporary, and food is a gift that we shouldn't abuse and isn't meant to run our lives. It is a joy, and there are times and even specific contents to enjoy it (by that I mean there are some foods we should NEVER eat because our body wasn't made for them). But when we do repeatedly abuse it, I think often there is a deeper issue at hand. Whether it's serious deep hurts like a divorce, or physical abuse, or low self esteem, or serious illness (all 4 of which I"ve gone through)to simpler things like we just don't have any self control! Society tells us we deserve so much, when really, though we are loved greatly, the thing we deserve most is to obey what God says is good for us. It cleanses the soul and makes decision making in EVERY area of life so much more clear and easy to do. There is something to be said about why so many people can do this multiple times and still come back to the same problem. I hope the best for any of you dealing with emotional eating. Mine is more on the end of when I'm having a good time I like to eat junk! But, I do so in moderation because I learned already what happens when I continue...bad stuff! Not just weight, but the way I feel, the way I sleep, I've seen my family deal with diabetes, cholesterol issues, cancers you name it. When you experience the negatives your goal to gaining wisdom in overcoming this, is to LEARN FROM YOUR CONSEQUENCES, regain self control no matter what the situations and get off the crazy cycle. Be free by having discipline and understanding why you need to attain that goal.
  • I am an emotional eater like yourself, if something happens, or if I am bored or my daughter is ill, she has a cardiac condition I find I reach into the biscuit tin, or for something sweet.

    I find I am fatter now than when I started out, and also that the weight is no longer moving, usually I loose a pound in the first day this time its just not happened, I dont have a lots of weight to loose, but would love to fit into my thin wardrobe again.

  • This post couldn't have come at a better time!! I've been an emotional eater for close to 20 years of my life and I need to find a way to get it under control. I have just ordered one of the books that was mentioned in this feed, so I'm hoping that will be the first step to a new me. Thanks so much for putting this out there and thanks also to the wonderful replies of how to take control of my life back!!
  • aerynholly
    aerynholly Posts: 22 Member
    I have had years of experience dealing with emotional eating. Frankly, I'm still dealing with it. I don't know if any of this will be helpful, but as someone who has been there for a long time, maybe you can relate.

    When I was in college, I used to use food as a way to control my anxiety (before I was diagnosed with GAD.) It was not uncommon for me to go out and buy a pack of Nestle cookie dough and eat most of it alone and by myself. It would always happen, the minute I started eating it I would start feeling calmer, and then I'd just keep going and going because while I was eating it felt good. Of course, later I'd be consumed with guilt, not to mention uncomfortably full.

    After I started dealing with my anxiety problems, my therapist at the time recommended that I try something - when I felt the urge to eat to make myself feel better, I should just go with it and not beat myself up about it. Maybe my brain was telling me to do this for a reason. So I did - I gave in to whatever I wanted, however insane, however ridiculous, and refused to feel bad about it.

    Then something funny happened. When I went on eating sprees, I didn't eat nearly as MUCH as I did before. I satisfied my desires after maybe a quarter of a role of cookie dough instead of the entire package. When I took the self-loathing out of the equation, the extremes went away.

    I still have problems equating food with emotional comfort. I've tried lots of ways to deal with it. Recently, I've been posting it here when I have a desire for food I'm not hungry for. Sometimes knowing that other people will hold me accountable helps - sometimes knowing that there are other people on this site who struggle and who have felt my pain helps.

    Other times, I've promised myself that I can have the food I want if I will walk to get it (I live in the city.) Sometimes I'll take a walk around the block and feel better, just for getting out and moving, and choose a snack with fewer calories (frozen yogurt mmmm.)

    Sometimes I think about whether there's something else self-indulgent that will make me feel happy, like watching my favorite crappy movies or going out for coffee or a book.

    And sometimes I just give in. But when I give in, I'm working on forgiving myself and getting right back on the horse.

    This is a real and difficult problem and I wish you the best of luck. We're all still working it out. There is room for us to learn different behaviors and different patterns of thought.

    Didn't mean for this to sound so Hallmark-y, but guess that's how it turned out.
  • Hi There :)

    I am an emotional, bored and tired eater too ... I find that if I get depressed (which is often), bored, tired or stressed I eat .... Not too sure if I eat when I happy though... This is day 2 on MFP .... Last night I binged alot smaller normal though as i kept telling myself that I will need to put my blow out in my food diary so that helped somewhat.... I have set my food diary so that my friends can see as I am hoping this will also help with the binge eating ... I have been tring to stop binge eating for a while but mostly I find that if I don't binge, I reach for that stupid smoke instead ....

    Hopefully your food Diary here on MFP will help you too :) .... I have sent you a friend request :) .... Anyone that wants to add me is quite welcome :) ....

    By the way I also found a group on emotional eating on MFP... Here is the link:

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/1012-emotional-eating it has over 2000 members and some hints too :)
  • Maybe I'll do some blogging, get my thoughts, feelings and fears out there for support rather than just a journal.

    Thanks so much everyone for being so honest. :)
  • Hey,

    Most of what I've learned about weight loss I learned watching my partner struggle with alcoholism...... he would use the upsets in his life to justify having that drink at the end of the day, the same way I would eat twix bars to ease the hurt and lonliness in my life.... I might blame it on the girl at work, or my kids being rotten or my house being a mess, but it was really just looking for an excuse to eat.....

    Take control of your life....no one is stopping you from having that chocolate bar..... it's yours if you want it, but it's not good for you..... and in the long run it's taking more away from you than the little bit of comfort it's giving you in the moment....the feelings of guilt and shame and helplessness that come with being overweight becomes a vicious circle when we turn to food for comfort..... the same as an alcoholic feels when he sobers up after a night of binge drinking.....we feel worthless and defeated and less capable than all the NORMAL people out there.....

    When you feel yourself reaching for that "bottle" stop and ask yourself why you're REALLY feeling like this......instead do a quick 5 minute work out, drink a nice hot cup of tea or go brush your hair in front of the mirror and tell yourself that YOU are beautiful and that YOU are worth this......Give yourself a break and if the rest of the world around you sucks then at least you know that YOU are doing what YOU can to make YOUR life better....

    good luck and you CAN do it...... I promise :flowerforyou:

    ^^^^^^^^amazing!!!! Perfectly said!
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member

    Most of what I've learned about weight loss I learned watching my partner struggle with alcoholism...... he would use the upsets in his life to justify having that drink at the end of the day, the same way I would eat twix bars to ease the hurt and lonliness in my life.... I might blame it on the girl at work, or my kids being rotten or my house being a mess, but it was really just looking for an excuse to eat.....

    Take control of your life....no one is stopping you from having that chocolate bar..... it's yours if you want it, but it's not good for you..... and in the long run it's taking more away from you than the little bit of comfort it's giving you in the moment....the feelings of guilt and shame and helplessness that come with being overweight becomes a vicious circle when we turn to food for comfort..... the same as an alcoholic feels when he sobers up after a night of binge drinking.....we feel worthless and defeated and less capable than all the NORMAL people out there.....

    When you feel yourself reaching for that "bottle" stop and ask yourself why you're REALLY feeling like this......instead do a quick 5 minute work out, drink a nice hot cup of tea or go brush your hair in front of the mirror and tell yourself that YOU are beautiful and that YOU are worth this......Give yourself a break and if the rest of the world around you sucks then at least you know that YOU are doing what YOU can to make YOUR life better....

    good luck and you CAN do it...... I promise :flowerforyou:

    Love this!