When do you weigh yourself?



  • The most accurate time is in the morning, after you go to the toilet and before you eat/drink anything.

    I do mine every Monday, except yesterday because I was INCREDIBLY bloated so I did it today and can happily say I'm only 3" from my target 28" waist and 34" hips. =D
  • i also make sure that i stand in the exact same spot on the scale every time.
  • brazillover
    brazillover Posts: 15 Member
    I get weighed every Saturday morning during our support group. It makes me eat light Friday evening and Saturday is my cheat day. I have been very successful for the past 8 months! On Saturdays I treat myself and don't count calories.

    Good luck!
  • I have to weigh everyday. If I don't, I start eating way too much. The daily weigh in keeps me honest and on track!
  • myma81
    myma81 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh every Saturday morning, after going for a wee, naked and on an empty stomach. As far as I know you are supposed to weigh around the same time of day each time as the body fluctuates during the day, so if you weigh in the morning and then before bed, you will see a big difference.