Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 1/1/10 wk 1



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I did ok yesterday, did manage to get a 10 min slow walk in but I went over my calories by 250, will do better today, stopped by store on my way into work, got fruits, veggies and low sugar oatmeal and cottage cheese for my breakfast, lunch and snacks at work. I will keep trying to get 10 mins here and there for exercise.

    Jacque I know how you feel about going over calories, there was still some junk food on my table when I came home last night and I had 2. I will do better today, food is already logged including snacks (all fruit :bigsmile: )

    I was so proud of myself that I logged all my food for yesterday and that will keep me in check. I planned my meals around work schedules and managed to get a 10 min walk in. That may not sound like much but it is a lot more than I have done in the last couple of months. I know I am back and in control and feel in control.

    Well gotta do some work. Check back in a little while :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Starting to feel like I am coming down with a cold, oh how I hope not. Well gonna leave early today, long story short got to work early on the wrong day. Well logging everything and getting the water in. Hope to hit the gym on the way home.
    I am so ready for a new season of BL it really motivates me. Talk to ya later
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    jacque take airborne .... nip that cold in the butt before it gets real bad .... wish you luck
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Afternoon Team!!

    Well, my eating kinda went unplanned a little for lunch..I went to the city w/my son when he donated plasma and I went grocery shopping..and we had lunch at Pizza Hut. I did as best as I could. Just pushin' fluids now and did a 2 mile walk with Leslie and then Bob kicked my butt in BL Cardio Max. Sure hope my thighs don't hurt as bad as they did the last time I started this...

    My dh came home with some very sad news today....a co-worker, about 50, has learned his wife is full of cancer. She has been dealing with breast cancer in the last year. They have a married daughter and grandchild, AND an 8 yr old daughter at home. I know these things happen, but I just can't imagine having to deal with just saddens just never know. Every day truly is a blessing.

    Christy ~ I will be adding you to our chart, do you want 239 as your starting MFP wt and starting SHGP wt? let me if I need to change anything!!

    Whitney ~ I need starting wt's for you too.

    Crystal ~ smart in stopping the C25K. I have had to do that too. Don't worry, you'll be back at it soon, and there is no time limit, go at your pace! I have heard a little about Zumba and it sounds FUN!! Make sure you tell us all about it! another plus, getting to workout with your ds!!

    Cindy ~yay, you had good day, Mon!! your eating looked good. glad you got some walking in!! keep at it when you can!

    Jacque ~ sure hope you're not gettin sick, and I hope you made it to the gym for a great workout!

    Well, time to prepare supper and then get ready for the Orange Bowl! BL will have to be on DVR tonite. Gotta cheer on my Hawkeye's!

    Have a great nite pepper's and let's have an awesome hump day! 3 more days til weigh in!! make each day count! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I have to vent while DH's in the other room. First, I have to admit that for a week right before the New Year we fell off the wagon with cigarettes. I made us both promise that there would be no more in 2010. Tonight he came home from work smelling like cigarettes. I'm just so mad!!!! :explode: He doesn't understand how if he comes home smelling like smoke, he is being unsupportive of me in my fight. He even mentioned that he almost brought one home for me, but he didn't because he thought it might make me mad. Well, yeah!! That's not helpful!!

    I feel so alone!! He doesn't want to eat healthy or even really exercise. He says that he wants to quit smoking, but this isn't the first time he's bummed cigarettes while he was at work. That's why we ended up smoking again for a week in the first place. I know I'm becoming healthy for me, not for anyone else. There are just days when I wonder if its worth it when he's slowly killing himself. I'm going to be a widow when I'm 50 at this rate. . . :cry:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Crystal - You're not alone! You've lost 50+ pounds. What an accomplishment. And you're committed to ending your cigarette habit. Plus you do workouts and are managing your eating. GOOD FOR YOU!

    Perhaps hubby is jealous or fearful. Jealous that you're able to dedicate yourself to a healthier you. Fearful that you'll find him "boring" as you discover a new healthier you.

    Keep up with what you're doing..... 50+lbs wow.....

    Jacque - hope you're feeling better soon.

    Kelly - I agree. We just don't know....

    Today, I did my 20 minute walk during lunch. Ok, so it's 32 degrees outside, it's windy but I'm out there w/a co-worker. With my allergy kicking up last month, I got this hacking cough.... nasty sounding for the past 3-4 days. At the end of my easy walk, I'm breathing hard. So I called the dr for an appt. There's "stuff" is in my trachea. I am to continue on Mucinex DM (this time I'll take the 2 doses per day instead of 1 per day) and drink more fluids. And go easy on the exercise for now.

  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Evening all,

    Boy am I out of shape! I barely did 15 minutes on the treadclimber; but it is a start.
    Was under on cals but over on carbs and fat...trying to find foods that will work for me.

    Kelly - yes 239 as both is correct.

    Tomorrow is a new day with fresh opportunities to succeed.

    Have a great evening.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's.
    Well got another 10 min walk in and I was under my calories yesterday by 39. :drinker:

    Crystal - I know it is going to be hard when I quit smoking as well. My DH smokes too but not as much as I do, he already told me he is not quiting with me and I understand. I enjoy it but my health will have to come first. Your DH may not want to quit, I know it is harder on you but if he is not ready it is not going to happen. But I understand you being angry because he should not say he is going to do it if he really did not want too in the first place. Hang in there.

    I will check back later, very busy this morning. :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    He does say that he wants to quit, but that every so often he slips up and has a cigarette. He asked that I be more understanding while he tries to quit , too. I'll try to be more understanding, but I won't act like it is okay. I opened up to him about how I feel about the fact that he doesn't want to eat healthy. It isn't just about how long you live, it also effects your quality of life. I know I can't change him, but maybe I can open his eyes a bit. He was really quiet the rest of the night.

    Anyway, I'm headed for w1d2 for C25K after work today. He's supposed to be meeting me. We'll see.... Been a while since he's actually done that.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Chrystal sorry about your hubby .... if he really wants to quit he will ..... i just quit AGAIN ... i have NOT had a cig since newyears day ... that could be cuz i cant go outside very well since i broke my foot.

    I weighed in this morning with the cast off the scale .... it says i gained 4 pounds ... i am NOT counting it cuz i honestly dont think i gained 4 pounds i think its this stupid cast i will not be weighin in with the group until this stupid cast is off of me .. but goood luck to everyone else
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    takin' a lil break from laundry....had a good day back to work, kiddos all ready in the bitter cold..with a snow storm coming later today...YAY, fresh snow! gonna eat and then let my food rest before I do my C25K W1D2. not sure what else I will do. am thinking stretch and tone and/or BL Cardio Max w/Bob again....and glad my thighs aren't too sore from yesterday.

    I just wanted to share this it is something I have learned with all my years and attempts at losing wt.
    ** don't EVER stop exercising ** if you are doing something now, keep at it. find something you like or challenge yourself with something new. In all my years of dieting and trying to change...every single time I stopped my exercise, I became flabby again, clothes fit tighter, which then led to larger sizes, then I lost the motivation, didn't care and was back to the unfit, bigger me. If you have never been active in your life, or you may have been when younger, you WILL have to remain active f-o-r-e-v-e-r from this day forward. You just can't stop once you get to goal. I am so serious when I say this. Regular cardio is so important for your heart, and doing it will keep your heart young. Being active also improves mood and helps relieve stress. Why would one not want to exercise with all the benefits is has to offer. Choose to move!

    Barb ~ hope you get to feeling better soon. My son has good results with Mucinex. take care.
    Christy ~ the first day is always the hardest..but keep at it and you will improve as each day goes by! you will be amazed at yourself! I go over on fat too. But, if I look at what I have eaten all day and the majority of it is healthy fat, then I don't worry bout it. Have another good day!
    Cindy ~ so happy for you in all the positives you plan for the day! yippy!
    Crystal ~ yes, we gotta keep at our men...I do the same thing here, esp with eating. I know mine will never exercise with me...partly b/c he has too much back and ankle pain, and he is physically active at work. but, I'm not giving up the past he always made comments about my wt, what to eat, etc, well, now I am doing it to him. he never did it in a positive manner, just made me feel I am changing that aspect...I always tell him how good I feel when I eat good, workout, just more energy all day, and the list goes on! I always say 'just try it once, or 2 days, how bout a week? give ** yourself ** something it really wants!'

    have a great day team, make it count! 2 more days til we meet with the scale! I am sure we are gonna have losses this week! what a great way to start 2010! blast this wt off!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    He does say that he wants to quit, but that every so often he slips up and has a cigarette. He asked that I be more understanding while he tries to quit , too. I'll try to be more understanding, but I won't act like it is okay. I opened up to him about how I feel about the fact that he doesn't want to eat healthy. It isn't just about how long you live, it also effects your quality of life. I know I can't change him, but maybe I can open his eyes a bit. He was really quiet the rest of the night.

    Anyway, I'm headed for w1d2 for C25K after work today. He's supposed to be meeting me. We'll see.... Been a while since he's actually done that.

    That is all you can do. It is very hard to see, but I noticed as I am eating healthy, they are now starting to cut back on the unhealthy foods. I know I could not do both right now. I need to loose the weight then I will quit smoking. I got too stressed doing both. Just remember communication is a big part of it, now he knows and now it is up to him to change. He will get there. :flowerforyou: Wish I could give you a big hug.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I wanted to do a 1 mile jog today - easy & slow. My plan was walk 15 minutes, then do a 12 min mile jog.

    Well, at the end of 15 minutes, I decided I walked 20 minutes on lunch, I'm coughing, I'm feeling unsure so I decided to walk.
    Felt like such a wimp that I did a 30 minute walk .... but...... it was probably the best thing for me.

    Crystal - My hubby smokes as well. Not a lot.... just on the drive to/from work in his truck. It's a habit I would like to see him kick but.... he needs to decide that. And if I can get that man to eat 3 meals a day instead of 1 large meal a day........

    Megan - I agree the cast ... it's the cast..... damn that cast!

    Have a good night all.... Let's see what Thursday brings.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    gonna get some extra sleep tonite, least that's the plan.... ok, so I felt really good today and looking forward to my workout...I did C25K on the treadmill and noticed right away that I was going faster, and it was ok, felt good. I increased all my stats from just day 1! I am so excited. My goal with this is to eventually become an avid jogger, for as long as my health and age allows. well, so then I go to do my BL cardio max level 1 with Bob and think, I am feeling so pumped, I am gonna add the 10 minute level 2 on ( with Jillian ). HA, I lasted, barely 5 minutes with her. OMG. Her workout is * non-stop * and definately flows more smoothly than Bob's. I guess I will stick with Bob for a good week yet, or longer. I really thought I could do it, and was gonna push thru it. Well, no pushing...maybe a forklift to get me off the floor! She really is tough. I almost felt like I was doing her 30 day shred level 1, and I have only done 3 days of that. I burn about the same amount of calories with each workout.

    So, what do you guys all eat for supper that is yummy? I had a huge spinach w/red greens and some iceberg too. Topped with cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, carrots, onion, mozzarella cheese, hard boiled egg, EVOO, with a tbsp each of French and Ranch dressing. Plus 2 pieces of 100% whole wheat toast w/p/b. YUM! I don't usually have toast for supper, but I needed some whole grains, and I did have about a cup of steamed broccoli too.

    Keep on keepin team! How bout we do a challenge starting this Friday for the next week. Can be food, exercise, anything. I was thinkin of 3 servings of veggies and we can post what we eat if you want....just an idea.

    have a good one!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Did very well again, 10 min slow walk, only 8 calories over. I hope for a loss this week even if I am doing very little exercise, I do a lot of travel that I did not do for weeks.

    Kelly you are doing great, its nice to see that you are soooo motivated, its rubbing off on me :bigsmile:

    Barb hope you feel better soon.

    Well another busy day at work, check back later. :drinker:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning everyone!! Well, DH met me and we both did C25K w1d2 yesterday (well really d1 for him). I had no problems finishing the workout yesterday. And that was after I was on the elliptical for 15 minutes waiting for him to get there. That just proves that I really wasn't feeling well Monday. Tonight I'm off to Zumba class!! It is supposed to be a ton of fun and burn a ton of calories. I'm excited!! Plus, I get to go with my sister! :drinker:

    Thanks everyone for you support about him smoking. It isn't easy to quitand it seems to be harder for him than it is on me, he smoked longer and more than I ever did. I don't regret getting mad about it. I'm done acting like it's okay. I've always just let it go before. He's an adult and needs to make the decision himself. But I think my passiveness is enabling him too much. I'm hoping that maybe he'll rethink the "cheat cigarette" if he knows that coming home smelling like smoke is going make me mad. If he does smoke, maybe he'll at least try to cover it up better and not even think about bringing one home.

    Good luck on tomorrow's weigh in.:flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Morning All!

    I am still trying to watch BL from the other nite. Wow, I don't think I could get on a scale in front of my family, friends and community. Amazing! Snow day here. That's 3 make-up days...and probably all in nicer weather!

    Cindy ~ you are doing it!! way to go!! I know I get carried away here, a lot, whether it is about something or not, but this team really means so much to me, and is my sole support system. I gotta stay positive and "hyper". I apologize if I irritate any of you.... I am excited for all of us here and together we will reach our day at a time!

    Crystal ~ that was so nice of dh to join you...I'm jealous! I can't wait to hear about Zumba! Have a great time sweatin' w/your ds! I agree with you on the smoking issue....ahhh, these darn habits. Mine is with food. I think when a person starts to really value themselves, their health, and life, they will try harder at making improvements. It's tough -- I see my dh struggle every day. I tell him often that I "care" about him and that he needs to get serious....

    SHGP ~ good luck at the weigh in tomorrow. lose, gain or stay the same, you are still a winner ~ you are here making changes! let's rock the scale! healthy meals & snacks, plenty of water, and move! that's it! make ** you ** a priority! let's do this!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Crystal ~ that was so nice of dh to join you...I'm jealous! I can't wait to hear about Zumba! Have a great time sweatin' w/your ds! I agree with you on the smoking issue....ahhh, these darn habits. Mine is with food. I think when a person starts to really value themselves, their health, and life, they will try harder at making improvements. It's tough -- I see my dh struggle every day. I tell him often that I "care" about him and that he needs to get serious....

    He doesn't mind exercise, he just eats terribly. He won't eat healthy, he "has to die somehow". He used to not wear his seat belt or a bike helmet for the same reason. He HAS gotten better. He does wear his seat belt now. I just assumed at first that was more to keep himself from getting a ticket. But then he asked for (and got) a bike helmet for Christmas. I told him I was surprised that he would ask for it. He said it seemed like a good idea. I'm beginning to think maybe he realizes that he has a wife now. No, he won't care about being dead because he'll be dead. But he does care about how that affects me. If he dies, I'm alone. Now, I just need him to realize that it is about more than just longevity. Being healthy also improves your quality of life. I'd much rather spent our retirement traveling over taking care of a husband who is disabled because of a stroke or something.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Crystal - funny how the love of a good woman slowly changes a man. I state SLOWLY changes.......

    I'm slightly bummed... well, unsure... how I feel.
    For the past 4 days I've been below calorie count. Been doing exercise....
    I got on the scale tuesday at dr office it read 173... was like oh, it's afternoon, I have a lot of clothes on.... etc etc.
    I got on the scale at curves tonight it read 169.4... ok, it's down from the dr's office but up from last week.

    Ok, I realize I should not have weighed tonight.... I've had meals throughout the day, I have clothes on, etc etc.
    Maybe it's PMS.....

    As I was leaving Curves (I was last one out prior to closing) the owner had the scale. She was taking it home for something. Is bringing it back start of her shift -- which is when I'm at work.....

    So, I'm partly glad I weighed tonight...since I would have gone to curves 645am and there be no scale.

    I'll use the home scale for the weigh in. So let's see what home scale says in morning when I'm naked.

  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey ladies :)

    Can anyone recommend a software or website that would help me find the nutritional value of my recipes?
    I am having difficulty figuring the calores on some of my meals and it is frustrating me.
