It's my time to shine


I am a stay at home mom to two beautiful energy filled children! I am 30 years old and have slowly gained weight over the last 3.5 years. Two pregnancies didn't help but neither did I and my eating habits! I've played with weight gain and loss all my life and I've finally decided enough is enough and want to start loosing weight and keep it off this time. Not only for me but my family as well. I've looked into a few different weight lose programs and have decided that MFP along with starting the gym and speaking to a dietitian is going to be the way for me. I was really contemplating the Dr. Bernstein diet for a while and then did a lot of research and it ended up scaring me. I've decided that I want to be healthy but I don't feel it would be fair to give up all food! Especially my am coffee! I also looked into weight watchers and realized this is very similar as the online program just free!

I really want this to work! I want to feel good again! I want to feel confident and be happy with my appearance and self. I know I will bees support! Feel free to add me as a friend! I know I'm going to need the support!

Thanks for reading!