Newish and willing to give mutual support :)

Hey everyone! My name is Casey and I live in Palm Bay, FL. I just moved here from CT in March with my husband and our 2 kids. I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. The past few years have been extremely stressful for me. I was on bed rest for 2/3 of my pregnancy with my son, and went from 115lbs to 195lbs. Since my son was born, I didn't really have a stable place to live, and money was REALLY tight, so making healthy food choices wasn't really an option. And with having a new baby who had medical issues from birth, I had NO energy to exercise. His father and I split up, and that's when we moved into my mothers house. His father is a flake, and we had a huge battle in court which added to my stress. The day before my sons first birthday, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I had lost about 10 lbs after having my son, and I was adding it all back again plus 25lbs. After my daughter was born, I found out she was lactose intolerant, and I couldn't breastfeed, which had aided in jump-starting my weight loss after my son. My weight gradually dropped to 185lbs over the course of 2 years. I was stuck! No matter how much I exercised, how much I dieted, the fat was like superglue. Then, with the stress of a lawsuit with my previous employer, buying a new house, getting a dog, and moving across the country, it was even harder to lose the weight. My mother found a program to lose weight, and she was successful in losing 40lbs and keeping it off. So she told me about it, ordered my products for me and I have lost 12lbs so far! I am really excited to see the numbers on the scale go down every day. I am a self proclaimed sugar addict, and I LOVE carbs. So every once in a while, I need to be reminded that the diet I am on (mainly meat and veggies) is what is best for my body. I want to be able to run around and play with my kids without having to take a break every 30 seconds! Anyone who can provide encouragement every once in a while, and want some in return, ADD ME!!!