Starting Hal Higdon's 10K program

Will start Sunday...really! Anyone else training for a 10K and have any words of wisdom? I know, I know one foot in front of the other. Seriously, need all the help I can get.


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey! I'm doing the Podrunner Freeway to 10K program. It uses free mp3 podcasts with music at certain BPM's to pace you, along with run/walk intervals signaled with musical chimes so you know when to run or speedwalk. I'm starting Week 3 tomorrow. I run that program 3 times per week, but I do other forms of cardio on the days I don't run and I also lift. It's important to cross-train to prevent overuse injuries. Stretch a LOT. What is your running experience?
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Hi! Before having children I ran a couple of 1/2 marathons. I have been a bit lazy since my 2nd child was born, so I am so ready to start being active again. I enjoy running, but training for long runs is just not in my schedule these days, so I feel I can handle a 10K. I use to have running buddies, but since life happens I don't anymore. I feel motivated and ready to start. Hal Higdons program is 8 weeks and there is a big 10K run coming this spring so I'm preparing for that.
    I added you as a friend and can't wait to share running stories from the success to the heartaches...LOL

    I'm gonna check out the Podrunner Freeway. Thanks for the advice and WOW awesome pic.