Cravings and how to stifle them (Girly Problems)

I am about to enter the dreaded week before my Aunt Flo shows up for a visit. I am starting to crave just eating food, I feel the constant need to be snacking on something. I know I am not hungry, I am drinking water to make sure it's not just my body needing hydration, I am well within my allotted calories and I am trying to eat high protein to stay full, but it is still there. I am also taking an Iron supplement to counteract.

Is there anything you ladies do to stifle these cravings? I am not even craving anything in particular, otherwise I would allow myself a small bit of whatever I wanted.


  • ashlielinn
    I wish I had the answer to this, but I don't think there is one. Our hormones are what they are, and for some reason or another, they aim to sabotage us during that week! ;)

    I just remind myself I don't actually need to be eating. If I have the calories for it and I'm really feeling hungry, I'll eat a little something, but never over the calories I have for that day. I know I'm not really in need of food, just craving! I also make sure I don't keep snacks in the house around this time, so when I look for something to grab - there's nothing there! :)
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    I won't deny that i just sometimes give in during that time. Not good advice! maybe chew some gum? call a friend,read a book. Take a walk. just try to avoid it!
  • dmominee
    dmominee Posts: 3 Member
    My two secret weapons are Indiana popcorn (kettlecorn original or cinnamon) and La Croix water. ( sparkling water without any sugar or nasty additives.) Hope this helps you as much as it helps me. :) Good Luck!!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm about to start too. I'm craving the worst possible thing too; cheesecake. fml.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I eat things that take a long time to eat but don't have a lot of calories. I made myself a huge bowl of kale chips the other day when I was in one of those moods and it helped a lot. Also, low cal/low sodium soup works. Light popcorn, etc.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    There was actually a Wall Street Journal article on this today! It talked about how food can activate reward circuits in the brain.

    Here are some of the tips:
    -Identify the taste. Imagining it can sometimes satisfy the urge.
    -Embrace and control the urge. Depriving yourself may lead to binging. Instead, allow yourself small amount during or immediately following a meal. If you eat whatever your craving on an empty stomach, you may overdo it.
    -Exercise for a quick endorphin fix
    -Take a deep whiff of an item like jasmine or peppermint to distract sensory circuits
    -Set a timer for 30 minutes and keep yourself busy during that time. The craving may have passed once the timer goes off. At the very least, delaying yourself will reduce your habitual response.

    Here's the link if you're interested:
  • AlexandraLynch
    I always want some chocolate and a very rare steak. Both, fortunately, can be fit into a diet. I just have to watch how much bread I use to wipe up the yummy yummy blood on the plate.
  • kimberleydarwin
    Oh god - us poor women we don't have it easy do we? I always want high carb food, intact anything I can lay my hands on , thank god this month I only craved all the food in the house for a day, after that I just thought I'm not letting this get the better of me and have been good the rest of the week. I always find a cup of tea works for me and if it's really bad I just eat it and try forget about it , otherwise if you continue to focus on it or on food you want it more and then the food cycle starts again .... Good luck xxxxx