Home workouts.. how to set it up

I'm a new (and newly single) mom. I had a baby 3 months ago and for the next 4(ish) months I'll be home with him. Going to the gym is not an option between the cost of childcare and trusting the childcare in the gym with an infant, it's not going to happen. I have been acquiring some equipment so that I can start back up at home.

I have thus far gotten some dumbbells (8lbs, 10lbs, 12 lbs and 15 lbs), a treadmill (which I am using 6 days/week if not 7), resistance bands of various resistance, yoga/balance ball and yoga mat.

I was a gym-rat prior to baby, with a penchant for heavy leg workouts. I'm having a tough time getting the same kick out of at-home leg workouts, or home workouts in general. I can run on the treadmill until the cows come home (or until baby is unhappy), but I've been doing some dumbbell exercises but without a program or some direction it gets lost in the day to day and I'm not feeling the results I'd like.

So here lies the question(s): where can I find productive, challenging, and progressive home workouts with what I'm working with? Is there any other (affordable) equipment that I should add to my home collection to have a more complete workout? {sidenote: I had ACL knee reconstruction in 2004 so I have some trouble with free squats and lunges, though they're not impossible once I have the quad strength/stability to support it.}

In mid-Jan I'll have access to a gym again so I don't want to go crazy but I don't want to sit idly by and let all that muscle I could be making go to waste!