How to reach my calorie minimum?

So I have anorexic tendencies, so when I'm living on my own (which I will be again in a week when I move into my new place), I tend to severely under-eat. And by severely, I mean I eat less than 1000 calories/day total, and I go to the gym and burn around 500-700/day. The past few weeks, I've been living with my family, so I've been eating a decent number of calories, and my body's been packing on the fat since I've been practically starving myself before then.

But I'll be moving back to college on Sunday, which means I'll be feeding myself again and working out regularly again. So I decided to set myself a calorie minimum of 1800 calories (gross, not net) per day. Since I'm planning on doing Insanity as well, I might need to increase that number to around 2000. I do live a fairly active life. I work out, bike around, give campus tours, pretty much on my feet unless I'm in class or doing homework, so my net calorie intake would be around 1200.

Only problem is, I've got a tiny little stomach. Eating intuitively leads to me starving myself, and trying to eat 1200 calories/day is even a challenge for me. So does anyone have any tips on eating more? Any calorie-dense foods or meal schedules or anything, really? I need help, here.


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    My diary is set to 1200 calories a day, and it's open if you'd like to check that out. I also have a blog on my page full of recipes that will fit into your calorie goal.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'd suggest planning multiple meals throughout the day to ensure that you're eating regularly and not just forgetting or deciding you're not hungry enough or something. Pre-log them on here in the morning (or the day before) and pick calorie dense foods. Planning ahead of time may help you from reaching the end of the day and realizing that you consumed much too little.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I think it would be easier if you eat small meals throughout the day, say something small every several hours. Don't bring yourself to a place where you have to binge to reach minimum calories goal. MFP can really help you knowing how many calories you're supposed to have and how much you've got left till the end of the day.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    One thing that can help: eat full fat foods. Miik, cheese...
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Nuts and dried fruit are your friends. Buy some snack size baggies and whatever nuts and dried fruit you like in bulk and make your own gorp. You can throw a few bags into your backpack or gym bag so you always have a quick and healthy snack available. Then, the only trick is to find a way to remind yourself the food is there and to eat it! Even a handful between classes or on your way to the gym will help.
  • jflint86
    jflint86 Posts: 74 Member
    I can relate with you. I'm not a big exerciser/busy person right now, but I do have a tiny stomach and a HIGH metabolism and I find myself not meeting my calorie limits often.

    Having said that, I've found that eating lots of small meals/snacks throughout the day will get me there. For example, yesterday I had eggs, turkey bacon, and orange juice for breakfast. 285 calories. For lunch, a sandwich with meat, cheese, and miracle whip. Extra cheese. 418 calories. Dinner was potato soup with bacon, 500ish calories. And the bulk of my calories came from snacking: peanuts, carrots with ranch dip, grapes, chips and salsa, more cheese. Almost 700 calories. I ended up with a grand total of 1900 calories yesterday(yay for me!). All of those spread out over the entire day and eating about once an hour, even if it's something small, like a handful of peanuts.

    You can check out my food diary or add me if you want more ideas :)
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    I would try to break the meals up into several small meals, 6-7 throughout the day. Look for nutrient dense foods and be sure to include healthy fats. Healthy fats are higher in calories and so many people tend to reduce or elimiate them from their diets. Cook with olive oil instead of non stick spray. A palmful of almonds are great - or experiment with various nut butters/spreads. Opt for higher fat milk and full flavored dressings. These are ways to increase the calories without really increasing the volume.
  • If you struggle to eat a lot at one sitting, then try having small meals with lots of snacks in between. Nuts, peanut butter, cheese, bananas, avocados - all quite calorie dense without being unhealthy or leading to a scary bloated tummy feeling.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: