Have you ever...



  • hethro760
    So the hot topic in the news right now is, of course, the topless photos of the British royalty.

    Taking a survey - have you ever taken a photo of yourself or had somebody else take one exposing private areas?

    If so, have you ever shared it with anybody other than the person who took it?

    Then, what did you do with it-did you keep the photo or did you delete it?

    Yes and yes. Some I have kept, if I liked how I looked in it and some I have deleted. I've been in quite a few long distance relationships, so I've learned that I am 'comfortable' with my body when it is in a sexual manner but normally, I do not like how I look. I'm not embarrassed by taking them or sending them, it is my body, and if I want to share it with someone, I will. :heart:

    Awesome answer!
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Yes I have them, and yes I have shared them.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    I tend to keep the ones of my SO as a means of blackmail. I may be an awful human being
    haha this some funny/cruel stuff
  • theactionfigure

  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    haha this some funny/cruel stuff

    Your profile picture is the bomb.com my friend.
  • ukulele2010
    ukulele2010 Posts: 126 Member
    Hmm, I have no naked pictures of my wife of sixteen years... And she has no naked pictures of me... So far the ayes have it almost 100 to 1.
  • Irish_eyes75
    So the hot topic in the news right now is, of course, the topless photos of the British royalty.

    Taking a survey - have you ever taken a photo of yourself or had somebody else take one exposing private areas?

    If so, have you ever shared it with anybody other than the person who took it?

    Then, what did you do with it-did you keep the photo or did you delete it?

    YES to the photos
    YES to sharing them with someone other than the photographer
    I usually delete unless they're really awesome pics then I keep them in a "best of" folder
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Yep to both.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Yes. I model and I have done the occasional artistic nude or implied nude for photographers that I A). know and B). trust to help them with getting comfortable taking nude shots. These are for their practice (and my portfolio if I choose to release them). I do not allow them to release full nudes publically at this time. I have released a few implied nudes.

    When I do these shoots, no matter how well I know the photographer, contracts are signed and if they were EVER to release these photos to the public without my permission, there would be legal implications.

    When I was first getting into modeling, I had an idea for a shoot that involved being topless wearing demon wings, but not having anything showing in any of the photos. I had my then best friend (who was a decent photographer) take the shots for me so I would have some images to work with. They were all taken with a camera I own and only downloaded on my computer. I edited them myself so I’d have something to start my portfolio with.

    One of them is in my photos on MFP (3rd row, second photo in). It’s still one of my favorite headshots to this day. The original rough files have since been deleted so only my edits remain. I suppose a good enough hacker could probably recover them but I’m not that worried.

    I was right in not letting my former best friend download any of the pictures into his computer as he and I had a falling out a year or two later and no longer speak. He’s become downright vicious in his hatred of me so I’m glad he doesn’t have them. I suspect he’d use them for unsavory purposes.

    With that in mind, I would never let anyone take nudes of me without a contract, even if they were a photographer I worked with frequently that I’d trust with my life. Trusting them with your life is one thing, trusting them with nude photos is another. ;)
  • Chapter3point6
    When I do these shoots, no matter how well I know the photographer, contracts are signed and if they were EVER to release these photos to the public without my permission, there would be legal implications.

    Damn. I knew I was forgetting something.

    To all of the women that have seen my junk, I will be sending you a contract to sign. :flowerforyou:
  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    So the hot topic in the news right now is, of course, the topless photos of the British royalty.

    Taking a survey - have you ever taken a photo of yourself or had somebody else take one exposing private areas?

    If so, have you ever shared it with anybody other than the person who took it?

    Then, what did you do with it-did you keep the photo or did you delete it?

    Q1. Photos of self, self with others. All exposing private areas.
    Q2. Shared it with self, to others involved, or others who could be involved.
    Q3. We have some pics, we don't have some... They are stored in a password protected rar file. Had the embarrassing situation of a series of pics making the PS3 and XBOX 360's picture viewer through the home network.

    The wife and I have been together 6 years. Have had 0 fights. We've grown large together, we've lost together, we went to college together, took all the same classes together, we have 3 kids together, and yeah. We hurt no one.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    So the hot topic in the news right now is, of course, the topless photos of the British royalty.

    Taking a survey - have you ever taken a photo of yourself or had somebody else take one exposing private areas?

    If so, have you ever shared it with anybody other than the person who took it?

    Then, what did you do with it-did you keep the photo or did you delete it?

    nope... never have...

    I do have a friend though who does nature photography and she has some fabulous out door nude shots... and I have been talking with her about a session when I get to goal weight...

    I am not comfortable enough in my skin to look at it in a mirror... I am most definitely not comfortable to have that blazoned in "permanent" media...
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    LOL, I think the real question here is if I HAD done that, and wanted it kept private, why would I tell an open internet forum about it?

    Hypothetically speaking, of course.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    ... have you ever taken a photo of yourself or had somebody else take one exposing private areas? Yes.

    If so, have you ever shared it with anybody other than the person who took it? Yes, why would I share it with myself? That's just weird.

    Then, what did you do with it-did you keep the photo or did you delete it? I keep all of them and use them as stock for new requests. True story.
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    yup, i have lots of pictures of me and i am sure other people do too. lol. i am open to nudity. being topless isn't big deal to me. i don't get why it's such a huge deal.

    holy boobs!
    what size are you?
    theyre like perfect..

    (Im striaght).

    lol, thanks girl. i will message you the size.
  • Chapter3point6
    yup, i have lots of pictures of me and i am sure other people do too. lol. i am open to nudity. being topless isn't big deal to me. i don't get why it's such a huge deal.

    holy boobs!
    what size are you?
    theyre like perfect..

    (Im striaght).

    lol, thanks girl. i will message you the size.

    Can I get one of those messages? :tongue:
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    Never have, never will. I simply don’t get the appeal.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I do this all the time, I think it is a great way to spend the evenings and when I have finished going through them, I pick out the best ones and then send them to the local church to distribute amongst the needy .......what?.....wait.....were not talking about old clothes are we?:noway: :laugh:
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Yes i have to both questions. I just hope i never lose my phone. Someone would have a field day. Lol :drinker:
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Yes several to both questions, and I still have most of them.