Communication: What is acceptable?



  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    My husband and I used to work together, and in fact constant communication (e-mail) is how we flirted and hooked up! LOL So now that we don't work together anymore, we e-mail throughout the day. Sometimes we get into a full conversation where it's constant, sometimes it's only 2 or 3 messages. Just depends on the day.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    My ex and I would email most of the day.
    At least 2 emails an hour unless one of us was really busy.

    Though he didn't mind nor did I.
    He would actually email me again being like "Hey you busy/okay?" if he didn't hear from me in two hours or so.

    We'd also text if I wasn't at home.

    It wasn't controlling or anything like that, it wasn't like that.
    Just simply talking too each other about our day and what we were up too.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    My ex and I would email most of the day.
    At least 2 emails an hour unless one of us was really busy.

    Though he didn't mind nor did I.
    He would actually email me again being like "Hey you busy/okay?" if he didn't hear from me in two hours or so.

    We'd also text if I wasn't at home.

    It wasn't controlling or anything like that, it wasn't like that.
    Just simply talking too each other about our day and what we were up too.

    I hope your IT dept doesn't scan for employees that do this!
  • I go to my boyfriends house EVERY DAY! I text him when I wake up. He texts me while he's at work 5pm-5am. Sometimes calls me when he's got a break. I text him every wednesday when I get to school.
  • If you asked this question 20 years ago the answer would be entirely different.

    Depends primarily on the job as far as I am concerned. Also, your relationship should be at a point that it isn't measured at all by the frequency of communication when you are busy with other stuff.

    This is completely true before cell phones were common place. OR even if oyu had a cell phone and your minutes were severely limited to use only via emergency.

    People woudl leave in the morning, maybe call for 10 min at lunch, and not talk again until home in the evening
  • Amy way we can. We have two young daughters, and the oldest is four snd never stops talking. My husband text each other and some times from the same room lol. We talk a4 much as we can one way our another.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    My bf and I both have office jobs. We don’t call or text each other at work (unless something urgent comes up) but we email at least once a day, sometimes several times a day. That way we can respond when we’ve got time.

    We don’t live together yet. He’s in class 2 nights a week and plays pool another night. We usually only see each other in person on weekends and maybe 1 weeknight. There will usually be a phone call on weeknights we don’t see each other.

    We’re moving in together in November. I don’t know if that will change how often we email or not.
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    I mostly email with my husband, every now and then he will text. And either he will call me when he is on his way back to work from his lunch or I will call him on my way out to lunch.
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