Does insanity workout really work that good? Anyone try it?

I seen it on TV the other morning, and I have been thinging to try it, but was curious if anyone has it and how good it works? I don't want to waste money if it's a flop workout that doesn't live up to all it shows!!


  • karenbethrn
    karenbethrn Posts: 56 Member
    Well, I haven't tried it but I've seen people on my tumblr that use it left and right and love it. Its really high impact cardio. I plan on getting it after I finish my p90x videos in 90 days. :)
  • That's cool, let me know how you like p90x!!!
  • wkhaywood
    wkhaywood Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Insanity DEFINITELY works. My wife and I did it and I lost about 25 pounds and was fitter than ever. This was last year. Of course, I also changed my diet and was eating a lot better, but yes, Insanity really works. It's based on interval training and cardio mixed with plyometrics, and some pilates type stuff. I liked it because you need no equipment, just a little bit of space. Push the coffee table out of the way, hit play, and go. Shaun T is cool and will get you motivated, even though he's a recording. I also like how it wasn't cheesy. One disclaimer: like any work out, it kind of depends on your effort. You could put the DVD in, and kind of slack off, fast forward past the part you hate, etc. and not get much as much out of it. But if you really follow the schedule and let Shaun T motivate you to give 100%, I don't see how you wouldn't see results. it really works! Good luck to you; I hope Insanity works for you or whatever you try. If you do decide to try it, I'd love to hear how it works out. Full disclosure: Since then, I stopped working out altogether and went back on my old beer and Twinkies diet, and I have gained all the weight back :( That's why I'm back on myfitness pal; I'm disappointed in myself and doing it all over again. I'll probably get the Insanity discs out and do it again, because it really does work. Just don't do what I did and celebrate your achievement with a year long binge! ;) -Bill
  • SyStEmPhReAk
    SyStEmPhReAk Posts: 330 Member
    Anywork out program like Insanity or P90x will work well... If you diet correctly. You CANNOT out-train a bad diet.

    I've personally seen people have great results with both and not so great results. The ones who didn't have good results were the ones who continued with their eating habits and basically ate the same as they did before they started the program.
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    I LOVE Insanity.. it gave me such great results the first time I did it! I still do it, just not as much because I recently got a gym membership.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I just purchased Insanity and plan on starting it after I run my 5K at the end of this month. I will definitely let you know how it goes :-)
  • I did Insanity and lost 14 pounds and lots of inches doing it!!! I didnt even follow the diet book and ate about 1800 CALORIES everyday to lose the 2 pounds a week ;-) IT WORKS EVEN WITHOUT THE DIET PLAN!!!! All I did was count my calories on here and did the workouts ;-)
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    I done it and yeah it works will get in all around better shape doing it...the results are massive in my opinion...I lose over 30 lbs doing it
  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    I haven't done it personally, but a friend of mine started a few weeks ago and lost 5lbs in the first two weeks. I'd say it works.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I just started insanity this week. Everyone that I've seen that has followed the program and stayed within their calories has had awesome results!
  • I alternate between P90X and Insanity daily , 27 pounds since joining My Fitness Pal.
  • jtd1111
    jtd1111 Posts: 4 Member
    It's not a magic pill. I found it hard on the knees/joints/feet. Diet is key! No doubt about it. Can't work off bad food habits.
    Find a style of workout that you love to do, step, kickbox, boxing, HiiT, pilates, yoga, kettelbells, etc.

    Insanity wasn't it for me (as it sits on the shelf collecting dust).
  • It's definitely a great workout, but as someone else posted there is a lot of high impact movements involved. If you are decently fit with no knee/joint problems I would recommend it.
  • lhabedank
    lhabedank Posts: 149 Member
    I agree with the high impact aspect. I attempted the fitness test and found I was not 'dressed' properly. I needed a lot more 'support' to do all these jumping jacks and other jumping around stuff. I have been running and doing a ton of cardio at the gym, nothing compares to the jumping around you will do with this work out.
  • I think I'll give it a try. I'm a stay at home mum of 3 with baby fat to lose. I have lost 7 pounds in 6 weeks doing treadmill, free weights and workout ball all at home. I like the in home workouts because you don't have to find a sitter, drive to the gym, have people stare at you for being over weight and not good at everything at first. When I first started the training ball I was all over the place, I'm much better with ball control. Ago far I'm still in good shape health wise.....per the mussels, joints and bones. Thanks for everyone's advice!! I'm sure at first ill hate it, but remember the old saying? Stuff we hate is good for us, stuff we love is bad!!! :-) ill keep you posted when I start.
  • It's not a magic pill. I found it hard on the knees/joints/feet. Diet is key! No doubt about it. Can't work off bad food habits.
    Find a style of workout that you love to do, step, kickbox, boxing, HiiT, pilates, yoga, kettelbells, etc.

    Insanity wasn't it for me (as it sits on the shelf collecting dust).

    I agree with you. It was VERY hard on my knees. I still have issues, particularly with my right knee. HOWEVER, the program is awesome and it works...if YOU work. Following the nutrition plan helped me to understand the importance of eating right (not dieting). I lost 17 pounds and a lot of inches all over from the program.

    No matter what you do, what you expect to get out of it is solely dependent on what YOU put into it.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    OF COURSE it works :) it's definitely not a beginner work out and it's tough on the body. Also make sure you are eating enough to fuel the grueling workouts. I was eating roughly 1800-2200 per day! It builds strength and endurance like crazy you will love it!
  • sarbear18
    sarbear18 Posts: 3
    I have a download of all the workouts but I am missing the nutrition, how will I know what to eat and when to eat Im so worried that I'm not going to achieve anything and sacrifice my normal workouts to do it then again i suppose I have plateued at the moment therefore surely a shift in what im doing will help shift excess weight and tone up, i really want to tone up my thighs and tummy by my holiday 25th august Im due to be starting this Monday morning, starting with the fitness test or would you recommend going straight into the second track as i want to get a workout in as well guess the fitness test is also a workout hey? Im keen to keep my yoga up too, just not knowing about what to eat I find daunting xxxx Sarah xx aka sarbear82 on my fitness pal
  • sarbear18
    sarbear18 Posts: 3
    what is P90x????
  • sarbear18
    sarbear18 Posts: 3
    I have a download of all the workouts but I am missing the nutrition, how will I know what to eat and when to eat Im so worried that I'm not going to achieve anything and sacrifice my normal workouts to do it then again i suppose I have plateued at the moment therefore surely a shift in what im doing will help shift excess weight and tone up, i really want to tone up my thighs and tummy by my holiday 25th august Im due to be starting this Monday morning, starting with the fitness test or would you recommend going straight into the second track as i want to get a workout in as well guess the fitness test is also a workout hey? Im keen to keep my yoga up too, just not knowing about what to eat I find daunting xxxx Sarah xx aka sarbear82 on my fitness pal
  • yayah09
    yayah09 Posts: 1
    The nutrition guide can be downloaded for free in a pdf file. Just do an internet search.