shakeology_whats in it that kills cravings for sweets?



  • angelapolite
    Even with a coach discount, it's still a lot of money to put out every month-- it's not like I'm getting it free! I don't know what being a coach has to do with anything, I'm not out hunting for customers! Shakeology isn't a protein shake, I actually add half a scoop of chocolate protein to up the protein for the "meal". If you read about the ingredients, they are pretty amazing and not available all together anywhere else. Every time I'm tempted to save money and take a break, I miss it terribly! I struggle some months to pay for it, but I don't regret using it.

    Also, if you haven't tried it-- you can order it and there is a 30 day money back guarantee. Even if you use it all, but decide you don't like it, you can return it for a refund! You can't beat that!!!

    Do you offer samples?