Fairly New

I have been on here for a few weeks, but am just now starting to get serious about my weight loss. The thing I am in need of is friends to share recipes and success stories with, to have a great support team basically. It always helps to here things like what snacks make someone else feel full and make it through until lunch, what exercises someone did to tone quicker and with better results.

I am 37 years old, I work at home from my desk, and I go to school at home, at my desk. Meaning my physical activity is very limited. I have allowed myself 1200 calories per day with a goal of one hour of cardio three times a week as well. I currently weight 210 pounds and am trying for a first set goal of 180, then 160 and finally 140.

If anyone would like to be friends or give pointers both are welcomed.


  • krumpli
    krumpli Posts: 76 Member
    If you're at 1200, make sure you eat your exercise calories. I have found that high-protein snacks/meal help me stay full, longer. Lots and lots of vegetables and water, too.
  • catinacooper4
    catinacooper4 Posts: 3 Member
    In other words if I gain say 200 calories from exercise, eat those as well, so basically eating 1400? I love high protein snack, I have found nuts keep me full longer, and even boiled eggs.