Why lie about wanting to hang out with someone?



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Maybe they DO want to hang out but you're not high enough on their list of priorities to ever actually get an invite?

    At least that's been my experience (as in I would like to visit with certain people but there's only so much time in my day and other people are higher on the totem pole and thus get the privilege of my time before anyone else will).
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    It's a figure of speech. I hardly ever take it literally or intend it to be taken literally.

    Interesting. I guess you're right.

    I'm just not used to it. When I hang out with friends or almost anyone...when it comes time to leave it's just kind of like "Okay..bye."

    Haha when I picture that, it seems really awkward. No "take care?" No, "have a good one?" Just "okay..bye."

    Lol. Not really awkward. It's usually not dead silent when we say it. It's at the end of whatever we're talking about. Example: walking to our cars after a movie: "that was a good movie" -about to part ways- "K, bye." "see ya."

    I don't know. Maybe it's just like that with my friends. Probably why I'm not used to this "Let's be sure to meet up again" stuff.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    My husband does this all the time and it irritates the **** out of me. He'll say to one of my friends husbands "We should totally go golfing, that would be fun" then we get in the car and he's like "i'm never calling that guy" then I'm like "WTF why not just not say anything then!"

    Drives me mental.

    My husband has a variation on that theme... he says "yeah, maybe" when he means "no way." But the person asking hears, "yes, absolutely!" I hate it. Say nothing, say "I don't think I can make it;" say, "I'm not really into that band..." I say NO all the time and no one has fallen over dead so far! Golly-day!
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Better than lying and having the other person have that expectation that you're going to follow through with the plans.

    On what planet is, "We should hang out/do this again sometime," a concrete enough plan to 'follow through' on? And it's also open ended enough to not make it the responsibility of the person who said it to call and follow through on this "plan" to hang out again. If your answer is, "Yes, we should," or, "Okay," etcetera, etc. then you can follow up and make actual concrete plans with said person later you know.

    Obviously I meant if you have no intention of speaking to them again. Like I said earlier.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    You're a little passive aggressive, I don't blame them, I don't want to hang out with you either.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    You're a little passive aggressive, I don't blame them, I don't want to hang out with you either.

    Ouch. :laugh:

    Oh wait. You're some random person on the internet and I don't care . :flowerforyou: